Can we try a black outline on the tree filled in white, but leave the leaves black. I dont like how the lettering has the white background over the picture. Maybe if the background of the picture is white them black letters over it would look better
I really like the changes here. The top of the tree is great, the bottom is almost there... The roots all the way to the left are too far up. Can you have them growing more down (toward corner of square) instead of out to the left?
Move the name straight across the image so its
superimposed on top of the circle, a little below center of image.
These are great! I still like the symmetry best in #22 for the outline of the tree. I like the style and amount of roots here (78) but I think they go too high. If we can get closer to the original tree shape in #22, lengthen the trunk to have the roots (from #78) start lower so when they are branching out it follows the same outline of #22. Its just filling in that in between roots space. I'm not sure if I explained that well, please let me know if you need better direction with it. Now for the top branching, I like that its a little denser so that's great, maybe just get rid of some of the branching that goes below her arm height. We can remove the company name border and enlarge the picture a bit. I would like IMMORTELLE SKIN superimposed across the circle, just below the waist area. Can we try flowy hair so its a bit bigger but the length is great. Its getting really close to what I had imagined, thank you!
I'm wondering if you provide different versions of the logo for different applications. This might not be a good fit for my labels because of size issues but it would be great for branding larger items.
This is looking good! I like the roots here, it fills in that space better. I think a combination of #22 and #46 would be perfect. The top of the tree that had leaves (#22) was great, can we just add a little bit of branching to that image but use these roots. Or possibly thicken some of the original thin branches.
I really like the symmetry in this and the blended infinity symbol. The woman looks great, I would just remove the small lines around her. For the tree we could lengthen the trunk and have the roots start lower. I would like to see more branching, some smaller branches coming out from the main ones. The leaves are great in black but we could change the tree to just an outline. Since this will be printed on a small label I would like the image to fill the whole circle rather than adding a border and have IMMORTELLE SKIN superimposed across the image towards the bottom. I like the boldness of the font, but looking for more of a vintage, apothecary style. This is a great start. I am excited to see more!
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if you need revision/something else, just let me know.
Move the name straight across the image so its
superimposed on top of the circle, a little below center of image.
let me know if something is wrong/missing something.
Best regards,