Imagination StudioLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Imagination Studio Imagination Studio has selected their winning logo design. For $475 they received 253 designs from 25 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by jjbq Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #127 Withdrawn New #153 Withdrawn New #152 Withdrawn New #159 Withdrawn New #158 Withdrawn New #157 Withdrawn New #156 Withdrawn New #155 Withdrawn New #154 Withdrawn New #151 Withdrawn New #150 Withdrawn New #149 Discussion jjbq Logo Designer Hi Cory,I´m very glad you like my design.Please let me know if you would like to see any changes.Best Regards,João Queirós 11 years ago corysampliner Client Perhaps her hair can flow more into the wind--longer and wavier. Also, I am wondering if we could see more of her eyes. Right now she kind of looks like a ghost. Where is her eyeball!?!? 11 years ago jjbq Logo Designer Hi Cory,Thank you so much for the feedback. I´ve arrive no home from work.Will just dinner and work on the logo after that. Yes i will put the eyeball. Work on the hairs also.Will submit asap for your review.Thank you,João 11 years ago corysampliner Client Take a look at the photo I just posted of the dragon on the coffee beans. It will show you the kind of line quality and negative space I like. 11 years ago jjbq Logo Designer Hello Cory,I saw it now. It´s good. I can try to rework my logo tomorrow based on this image.Can you review the new ones please.Best Regards,João 11 years ago