This is beautiful. Could we see what it looks like with a star in the center of the people. Also, can we change the font to something a bit more whimsical.
I am sorry. I am new to this contest. I meant they are all beautiful, but in reference to entry number five, could we see what it looks like with a star in the middle. Perhaps the lettering could go in the center somehow?
I love the colors. Wondering if we could add some black in there to offset the rainbow. Also, a thinner circle. I think I like the block letters better-like the ones on Starbucks. Not sure why I keep going back to the Starbucks logo...I must like it a lot. I want the picture in the middle to really stand out. Something that someone could potentially draw, but something that is unique. For example, Starbucks has a mermaid that someone could probably draw, but when you see it you know it's's not just any mermaid-it's the Starbucks mermaid. The people right now in the logo I have seem generic. Perhaps we could go with an animal instead. I'd rather have something a bit more definitive than the abstract people that the logos have in them right now.
I talked to a friend and he said his favorite entry was number 5. I loved this one from the start too. Maybe we could continue to work on various versions of this. Could the children be different in any way, to appear more like children?
After some thought and seeing some other possibilities, I really feel like I need the unicorn in the logo. Either just the head/neck of the unicorn or the full body. In reference to the unicorn head you made, could we make it a bit more complex-something more elegant and regal? I really appreciate your work.
That is an adorable unicorn, however it is not what I am going for. I am looking for more of a "tattoo" kind of look. Lines...flat color-kind of like the Starbucks logo, but instead of a mermaid I would like a unicorn.