I like the unexpectedness of the flames, but it may be a little too Harley Davidson or skateboarderish? I do like the use of the play button because that speaks to online video, podcasts, and new media in general. So, nice work! It's got a lot of energy and uniqueness.
In entry #25 I see that you haven't done any variations of this particular logo. I still like the fun and spontaneity of it. Have you thought, instead of flames, maybe experimenting with the broadcast "rss" feed rings or curved lines? I know the rss thing has been played out a lot, but there may be a way to creatively incorporate some elements of it in some way instead of the flames. Maybe think of video signals, light waves, or something that communicates signal broadcast.
#64 I'm not interested in a literal application of film or a film strip. i do appreciate your dedication to posting lots of different ideas and designs.
#79 is my favorite out of this series, but this design has been played out a bit over the internet. I see where you are going with this, but it's too expected. What I liked about #25 was the "whoa that's different" quality to it. I don't prefer the flames as a branding element, but I do like the organic and non semetrical style of #25. If you have the time, do a google image search on "light waves" You may get some ideas. http://tinyurl.com/dywssp