I really like this abstract image of mother and child. I would love to see it in my studio colors (either blue/brown or even pink /brown. I think I would like it more with a different font for "faith"
This is better. Id like to see the "F' in a lower case. Also a thinner font on the other text. I don't really want to combine pink, blue and brown, I was thinking more like either pink and brown or blue and brown. Maybe the art elements in blue or pink and the text in the same, except the "faith" in brown? Just ideas.
I love the mother/child and the swirls, but the wording just doesn't layout well. I also prefer the font for "faith" in #83 & #84 I don't really know how to correct it. If you look at how the words all fit together in the #1 ranked logo, maybe you'll understand what Im saying??? Hope this helps. Faith