I love this concept Lindsay! Im not crazy about the font for Faith I probably like the faith from #12 better. I extended the contest because I think you are on to something here. Id love to see if you could incorporate an abstract maternity figure as well or instead of the mother/child, and or if you can make the mother child figure a little more artsy or abstract. Thanks so much for going here, I really think its where I want to logo to go. Faith
Thanks Lindsay, Im not sure I love this one (#67) Im thinking more abstract, not so much Piccasso. I like the placement better on this one though and would change the test font to something more like #12.
Lindsay, I liked it better without the solid brown block. I know I liked the first image you put in with the flower, but I'd like to see some with out it if possible. I like the pregnant figure, but I was really thinking about maybe a side view, artistic line that suggested pregnancy? Check out like fetal fotos online http://www.fetalfotosusa.com/ I dont want it exactly like that (showing the baby inside) but something artsy showing pregnancy. There is also another neat one I saw on the another 3d ultrasound site http://www.theprenatalpicture.com/ Thanks, Faith
Lindsay, Thank you so much for all you put into this. You definately got things on the right track. I loved some of your concepts, just liked the #1 ranked the best. I did however make sure you got a 2nd and 4th place ranking to help you in the futrure. Thank you for all of your time and artistic mind! Faith