Hi - Thanks for your submission! I like the initial concept and style. Not sure I understand what the image means, but the look is modern yet classy and heads in the right general direction.
Hi, the symbol is abstract representing nodes in a network - and I also wanted a hint of something like a launch flame from a rocket .... I'll try a few variations for you. let me know if any are more appealing than others ... thanks, husk
Hi - Thanks very much for the concepts and explanation. Now I get it! A few comments:
Entries 3 & 15 standout the most to me. I like the use of multiple colors in 3 over 15, and like the image on the side of the text.
Entry 20 - My 2nd favorite design. I see the rocket launch inspiration... my first take was "honeycomb." The font in this design seems little too futuristic or trendy. The images definitely drive the modern theme, but I think I would like the font to inspire more classic or "long-lasting" messaging?
This is really looking great... very pleased with revisions and new concepts, particularly the "reflective" image/qualities and the playful font in "Search Partners" in #27.
The "nodes" concept (along with the font style) is a great fit with the "connection" theme in my branding and really keeps catching my eye, so I was wondering if you could change the colors to something less red? Perhaps more of an amber, orange, gold? Maybe a blue-ish tone?