thank you for ranking this design, my concept is about making a logo that a superhero could wear and not a logo with a superhero in it. if we look at superhero logos , none of them has a superhero in it, they are all symbols and letters that usually we see in the superhero chest.
what you might need is a great costume designer that can fit your logo and brand colors into a superhero costume that an actor could wear on your marketing material, pictures and videos
thank you very much for ranking this design ,please let me know if you have any feedback that would be really helpful.
IGE are 3 great letters to work with they can easily share the same characteristics and rules, this is what this design is about, i am going to provide some more iterations, maybe you might don't need an entire superhero in your logo , but make a logo that a superhero could wear
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what you might need is a great costume designer that can fit your logo and brand colors into a superhero costume that an actor could wear on your marketing material, pictures and videos
IGE are 3 great letters to work with they can easily share the same characteristics and rules, this is what this design is about, i am going to provide some more iterations, maybe you might don't need an entire superhero in your logo , but make a logo that a superhero could wear