We are in the final procress of working on the airport rebrand can you provide the pantone and fonts for this logo (#95 forr now) so we may move forward on the deck. Thanks!
In my previous entry #95 I use CMYK color : -- Deep Blue C100 M80 Y0 K50 -- Green 1 (use in Tagline) C80 M0 Y100 K0 -- Green 2 C40 M0 Y100 K0
CMYK converted to Pantone Color system (sorry I cant find the very match color) in #143 -- Deep Blue : Pantone 281C -- Green 1 (use in Tagline) : Pantone 361C -- Green 2 : Pantone 375C
Please let me know if you want another revision. Btw I use Proxima Nova Th font.