#41 is the caliber of design we're looking for. The icon of the camera lens is very well done. However, it's not representative of what we do. Maybe try another icon.
The font is nice. I like how the "C" and the "2" interact (the top of the C flows into the top of the 2). I also like how this font has it's own identity. Some of other entries in this contest are using generic fonts like, Ariel, or Myriad. This font shows some personality but isn't overly techy.
The colors are nice. See if you can put a little accent of Yellow somewhere.
Hi Ryo, Really great designs so far. We enjoy the way you've designed the 'IC2' very much. We like the typeface you chose and how the letters combine. One person even said that they can see a 'Hand pointing forward' between the 'C' and the '2'.
The Eyeball and Spirals icons are really well done, but we're still not sure if they illustrate what we do. Maybe try some more traditional icons. Try to keep our slogan in mind too, "see what lies ahead" and also the concept of "bringing things into focus"
wow Great entries. All these icons are very interesting. One thing we'd like to see is if you could shrink the icon's slightly and put them onto some type of diamond shape as a background, or plaque. For example, Entry #55 has a good diamond shaped icon with an image ontop of it. Could you put some of your icons onto similar types of plaques? Thanks. Your work is amazing!