I Heart LandscapingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / I Heart Landscaping

I Heart Landscaping has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 148 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.






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I wasnt envisioning anything but the actual words incorporated with a heart somehow. I thought just 1 big heart. overall it looks too "gradeschool". way more bold, simple coloring, and no trees, bushes or grass. think of like a cop car with a bright red heart.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback, I keep working on it.
13 years ago
thank you very much
13 years ago
wow, entry #3 is pretty cool! I really like how simple but professional it is. the only thing I can think to be different would be incorporating and somehow cleverly placing the word heart and the actual picture of the heart together. I like the bigger lettering also on #3. maybe even bigger lett
ering. I think you're onto something.
13 years ago
entry 4 feels really close. is there any way we can enlarge the font a little without changing any of the graphics? Also, if we put the heart after the I or just blow up the heart a little?? I really like the simplicity and the graphics with the coloring.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I'll get to work on this asap.
One thing though, if we enlarge the font, it may make the heart look a little smaller.
I'll also play around with the placement of the heart.
I'll also try a different font which will have the same (or similar boldness) but
will be taller, making it look larger.
I probably won't get to all of these changes tonight as I will be leaving the computer
in 1/2 hour. But I'll get back on it first thing in the morrning.
13 years ago
great, I look forward to it. I really do like the graphics on the lettering, just a little fatter. I don't want you to feel like you have to change much. and the heart is really important to me because the more it stands out, the more expressive it can be. I hope you like the direction of this.
13 years ago
I'm sorry to bother again and of course no rush. maybe we should put I heart directly on top of landscaping (to fit) and blow up the I heart really big with same graphics. then we enlarge the heart really big too.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
No bother at all!
Here are the latest variations #55 & #56, let me know what you think.
13 years ago
I'm really liking the lettering graphics and color. I'm still tyring to figure out how to place the heart. I'm really looking for a bright, voluptuous heart.
13 years ago
Hey Donc, i have updated finally my top 5. I have really enjoyed your designs. I'm not sure exactly what i want yet, but i was considering not using the word heart in the logo at all. What do you think?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing, I'll submit a version without the word 'heart' when I get back to my design computer
later on tonight.
13 years ago
donc, I haven't heard from you in over 24 hrs. am I giving enough feedback?
13 years ago
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