Architects and SchemersLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Architects and Schemers Architects and Schemers has selected their winning logo design. For $800 they received 237 designs from 45 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Kystell Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #33 Withdrawn New #123 Withdrawn New #122 Withdrawn Prefers others. #32 Withdrawn Prefers others. #31 Withdrawn Prefers others. #30 Discussion i have a scheme Client Hi.I like what you've designed here - really like the alignment of the company name. If you have the time, could you please explore this design in other colors? I'm steering away from orange and would love to see this in other colors.Thanks. 14 years ago Kystell Logo Designer hi,thanks for the feedback, i try the logo with black and red color in entry #122, and try new concept in entry #123, hope you like it, thankyou!best regards,xivi 14 years ago