I like the fact that you put the learner in the middle of what seems like an equation, an idea that I had in mind from the start. I however would like to see more colorful image where the image is not too small compared to print. Think of the fact that in our context the writing/reading is from right to left
Thank you, Could you make the hands (of the child or the x) of the same color and the legs of the same color. Could you make the 2 smaller or even delete it. Could you have a background like splash of color or a frame like a white board on which the logo sits. As I probably mentioned I will need to translate the words into Arabic because I want "I am part of the equation !" to be Arabic. If you can't do it could yould make the words linear instead of on two levels and have the x (child) start that phrase but bigger than the words.
Thank you could you make the symbol in 59 part of the first letter أ for instance the upper part of the letter aliph will be the head and the rest stays. The text will now run at the same level as the equal sign. Please remove the 2 square and make the Arabic words in one linear line and in one color and end the phrase with an exclamation mark. The equal sign should be a different color. I like the joyful figure in 57 in you could reproduce it in 59 (the one I am focusing on now). What I meant by splash is background that one put on a book or a product the logo would stand out. It could just be a like a white board or anything pleasant to see Thank you
I had to put this one first and the others a bit lower because the context admin asked me to rank three different designers for the three first spots. My previous comments on 59 still apply I still want you please to work on 59 taking into account the comments above