Are you able to make a couple of kids (girl and boy) on surf boards in the distance riding the wave and change the Hunters Creek Elementary to read "HCE" on one of the surf boards? --OR-- Make a surfboard leaning against the palm tree with the letters HCE on the surfboard? Remove Hunter's Creek Elementary altogether. I love the colors and would like to see just a few changes to the design as I mentioned above. Thanks!
Can you make the surfboard smaller with much smaller HCE letters? Also change the font on Ride the Wave so it's more prominent. We also love the look for entry 9. It looks a bit more vintage. That look went away in entry 16.
Entry 30 looks good. Would like to see the surfers on or closer to the barrel of the waves and not attached to the "Ride the Wave" letters. The surfers seem a bit too small, but in 16 he is a tad too large. I cannot see the HCE letters at all, so that needs to be a bit larger. The HCE letters can go across the surfboard like on 16 just make the letters much smaller. Thank you.