HumanNature@WorkLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / HumanNature@Work

HumanNature@Work has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 284 designs from 24 different designers from around the world.








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Very cool OD!

They both caught my eye. Can you show them with a darker green that is more blueish/cool.

Also, if you're able to do a brain/heart melded together signifying growth or progress that would be great. I especially like the movement upward that #12 demonstrates.

14 years ago
One other thought...

If this helps:
I'd love my logo to communicate "When you work with both mind/emotion, heart/brain you get maximum productivity and profits"
14 years ago
Just an update. My partner really liked #13. Could you show it to me with a slightly cooler shade of green so I can compare with the original?

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your feedback.

I will refine my entry immediately as your request.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
- change green slighty cooler
- add heart symbol in figure

I hope this logo can explain what you want. working with heart to reach star / maximal profit

(This comment references Entry #15)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
change green color

(This comment references Entry #16)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
new concept graphic.

(This comment references Entry #17)
14 years ago

Hi Arwan,

My partner really likes the one that's ranked #1 at the moment. I like how refined, mysterious, and "big time company" it looks. I'm wondering, though, about the possibility of a rework of #15 where it has people figures that look more serious and no hearts (despite what I originally thought, I can see how it looks more like I am a massage therapist or aromatherapy person rather than a business consultant and speaker).

So.. even though I like the whimsical nature of #15, I realize that it is too whimsical for my market (senior level executives). So if you can come up with figures working, innovating, or some other "HumanNature@Work" representation, I'd love to see that.

Thanks so much!


14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

Here's some feedback from a very successful business colleague of mine. Can you work with this to come up with a logo option that depicts human figures excelling, with an emphasis of unleashing intellect/emotion to produce action/results.

Given his feedback, I'm open to other color schemes:

1. Of the logos appearing, #15 is my favorite. It conveys a “people” theme, which I don’t get from the others.
2. Your plant metaphor is a good metaphor for speaking . . . I use it myself . . . but I don’t think I would make it my theme, because you will want to remain flexible and have your material evolve as issues in favor change. In fact, I once considered something similar for a forthcoming business, although I was looking at a sprig of flowers to convey a similar idea. I dropped the idea, because while clever, it can be very misleading (e.g., nursery, landscaper, etc.).
3. I think I would lose the green for the same reason. Why not a color that is more human, or more appealing to people. With the growing “green” movement, green may risk miscommunication.
4. I like the intellect, emotion, action (e.g., head, heart, gut; ego, superego, id) theme you mention, but this too might be limiting. I sense from what I have heard of your presentations and read of your testimonials that you are a developer of people that reaches them at these three levels of human existence. Hitting all three stands a better chance of evoking change and development than the more typical speaker who focuses on one, and rarely two. This might be difficult to capture in graphics (no, I am not very imaginative).
5. I like making your company’s name (and website) the centerpiece, if only because people will get and remember the clever name. Adding people to that somehow, to emphasize the Human (vs. just nature, which makes people think of plants), makes the most sense to me. Perhaps the person or people could depict “real”, “actual”, or “authentic” human development, or growth in three ways, to somehow differentiating yourself from others who might focus on human development.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,

I've updated my previous entry.
Add some graphic elements and try incorporated different color.
Hope you like it.
I am glad to hear your feedback again.


14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

I really appreciate all the thought and effort you're putting in. Your #15 has been the pick of 3 out of the 4 folks I've heard back from. In comparing them to the others, here's what comes to me:

I like the reaching movement of #15, whereas the boundaried ones, although neat looking, don't have the same "reach for the stars" feel. Can you make a version of #15 without the heart, and also w/o a heart and w/o the star. I'm curious how it looks minus the star. I say that because while I like the "reach for the stars" metaphor, I wonder what a more subtle version looks like. I'm going to ask for feedback from colleagues/friends on the multiple star version, too.

Could you make that one - #23 - in the same green and blue as #15.

Thanks so much!

Best regards,
14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

Some more thoughts after talking with my partner...

For the variation of #15, could you

1) show a version with the figures with just one curvy base.
2) the figures with no curvy base, but against a backdrop of a business forecast chart with the line going up (i.e. profits are going up). Here's a poor quality version of what I mean, but it gives you an idea of what kind of chart I'm thinking of:

I'd be interested in seeing the figures against the chart reaching for the end of the chart, like the goal, as well as what you have there with the star (or stars like 23)

Thanks so much!
14 years ago
It's me again!

ONe more thought... can you show the above variations with

1) the two characters as you have been
2) with just the one big character


14 years ago
Logo Designer
based from your request, I've submitted more variations.
I hope you have many considerations to choose the best.

ready for your revisions again anytime.

14 years ago
HI Arwan,

Thanks so much for all the effort here. I really appreciate it. It also really helps to see the options.

Can you tweak #41 in the following way:

1. show it to me with the multiple stars like: #23 and the orange/gold color combo like that.
2. and.. the line the same color orange.
3. can you show it with a full rectangle chart/graph in the back. I'm curious if it will be more clear that it's a profit chart or if it will clutter things.

Thanks so much!
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #47)
14 years ago
HI Arwan,

Thanks so much for the variations.

Could you give me a variation of #35 with: the heart, like #15 , and with the multi-stars like #33

For #45, I like the full graph, but wondered about having the stars higher up so the big figure is reaching directly toward them, like in #35 and #15. I'm not sure if this means having the graph bigger or the line going up to the upper right corner, or what, but I like the reaching for the star (or stars) image a lot. Also, if you can make it with the heart like #15. Feedback I'm getting from folks is that while they don't like the big flowery hearts of some of the other designers, the small one in yours is not an issue and I like the extra design interest they create.

14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #51)
14 years ago
Thanks so much Arwan,

As you can see the last two are at the top. If you wouldn't mind trying your hand at a totally different, very subdued logo, based on the ones I referenced in your portfolio, so I can choose from whimsical and serious, that would be wonderful.


14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

I've been thinking about how to better communicate what I'm looking for, so I changed the brief to be simpler and more direct about the end result:

I like understated, while at the same time I'm looking for something that communicates cutting edge and visionary.

What I would like the logo to capture is:

1) "When you understand human nature, you unleash the creative and productive potential of your people"

2) Something that speaks to the *end result* of understanding human nature and applying it to managing people:
- Innovation
- Great service
- World Class Workforce
- "Warrior Spirit"
- A higher level of performance.

Hope this is helpful.



14 years ago
Hi OD,

I hope you submit some offerings based on the current direction/briefings. I so appreciate how hard you've worked and would love for you to be the winner. If you feel burnt out on this project and want to put your energy into others, I can appreciate it, though.

Best regards,

14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

Thanks for your latest input. Could you do this:

1) Show me #16 w/o the leaf and in a darker green.
2) Show a couple of offerings with Just HumanNature@Work w/o anything extra, just a classy, refined look.

I'm concerned about the feedback I'm getting from colleagues that none of the designs are really capturing the seriousness of my work. I don't want the logo to come across as New Age, massage therapist, or "cutesy".

Thanks for hanging in there.

14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

If this helps, here are two possible tag lines that would go with the logo:

“Helping Leaders Unlock the Mystery of Employee Motivation”

“Helping Leaders Inspire the Best in People”


14 years ago
Thanks Arwan!

I like how clean and understated it is.

14 years ago
Hi Arwan,

ONe of my colleagues ranked 128 as his favorite so I resurrected it. Would you mind making these adjustments:

the green darker like the more recent additions.
remove the tag line (unfortunately, even though it looks cool, it'll be too small to read
remove the dark part of the upper line


14 years ago
Thanks Arwan!

14 years ago
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