so sorry that i have withdraw entry #209 because other designer feels that they're too close with his design :( i hope you understand. so i made another option for you, please check #216 .#217 .#218 .#219 .#220 .#221
because other designer claim my design is "SIMILAR" with his design which entered your contest before me, so i have to withdraw them from your contest:(
I still have the design here but cannot submit them to your contest this time based on the logotournament contest rules, if you like my design style you can pick my other design & I will do my best to satisfy you
FYI: i also have to withdraw #210 because same reason.
I suggest that you contact Ivan as admin and ask him how to resolve this situation. I think it's really unfair for you since you have already spend you money and time for your contest but you cannot have the logo that you like. Now I want to ask your opinion, how do you think about these :
Are both similar? The other designer claim that the incorporated letter H and a house is his concept so I must withdraw all of my entries which is using that concept. In my opinion, since your company name using letter H as initial, so combining it with house is an obvious concept and should be open to all. I will contact Ivan as well and ask him how to resolve this problem. I will do the best I could for you so you can get what you needed for your logo because am just a desainer here & maybe if you contact ivan as admin, he will solve this situation.
:(, that is not fair because i individually wrote each person asking them to incorporate a roof into the name somehow because i left it out of my brief and realized we wanted it afterward. I will contact him. That was a great logo!