hi scott, I believe that we can always pull designers into the top five even during the judging phase. we are not looking to extend. your concepts are very original. and we like entries #186, #185, #181, we are not particular fawn of #179.
I like that your local and the quality of your work is excellent. I know you don't have much time, don't worry about submitting the same concept in various colours. We wish you the best, and are interested what you come up with under the gun.
This is where I excel! I never take on a project that will take more than 1 week to accomplish, if you have a project that was needed yesterday and I mean yesterday then I am the person you should have in your roster.
keep the colours to the blues and greys. please note we do not develop software. lol our focus is consulting to companies within and for the ministry of education, ministry of health, ministry of disabilities
thank you for your submission. we will be reviewing them later today. please do not remove any of your entries as we will be re-ranking our top five once we review all the submissions. thanks for all your effort!