I apologize for the multiple messages, so closely timed...
So, here is what we are going to ultimately need:
1. One horizontal logo, with white background (as it currently is in #454);
2. One vertical logo, with white background (as it currently is in #453);
3. One horizontal logo, with a transparent background;
4. One vertical logo, with a transparent background; and
5. The graphic extracted, all on its own, without the words.
I realize that we may have to pay for additional versions of the logo. So, I want to make sure you know what we need on the front end, before we get too far into any revisions.
You are THE finalist in our contest, and we are excited to work with you on a final choice!
So, here is what we are thinking:
-- we like this vertical design and do not believe it needs any more modifications; and
-- we would like to see this in a horizontal layout. I know you have done several of these, but I could not locate one with the "tail" on the R instead of the H. I will look through your submissions and see if I can find the one we liked that needed this slight modification.
I believe, as the horizontal entries go, this is the one we like. The size is a bit small...is it possible to enlarge it or will that distort the image?
We like this size, design and coloring. However, we prefer the "tail" in the graphic coming off of the R and not the H. Can we see this one pretty quickly?
I like #436 better... the redundancy of the "HR" clutters this one up just a bit. Also, the spacing in the tag line words are still too close together.
Got a suggestion (or three)... Make the "HR" graphic event with the stacked words "Master" and "Consultants", so they are even vertically; and then have the tag line start right after the tail of the "R" in the graphic. That way, it looks like we are telling them "Helping You Master HR". Also, the spacing between each line is not consistent, which makes it a bit difficult to read. Thanks much.
Really like that you used the "HR" graphic and did not repeat the "HR" at the beginning of the company name. Could you try one more change, by stacking the words "Master" and "Consultants"? This would create a completely vertical, but compact, design. Thank you.
The vertical stacking is good to see; however, it might be a little too basic for every day use...especially without the tag line. All of that said, we really do like the concept, the message it conveys and the ease with which the viewer can quickly decipher who we are and what we do. Thank you.
I believe we are in agreement, that we like the horizontal logo better. It is clean, easy to read, and the graphic represents a major component of what we do: talking, which also infers that someone is listening. Like I said, it is simple, but powerful. Thank you!
Thank you for your submission! We are nearing the end of our 1st phase and we have had many talented artists contribute. We appreciate your hard work, unfortunately, this is not quite what we are looking for.
Thank you! I appreciate the variations you have done with this design. You have certainly given us different options to chose from. I like the gray shadow on the box also.
...by the time I got to responding to your query, you had removed the image. I am sorry that I did not respond in time.... I have an overwhelming number of contestants and entries and am working as fast as I can...I apologize!
See the previous feedback....I am not a fan of the boxed "HR", as it makes me think that we are a boxed product, unable to think creatively to solve our clients' needs.
What I should add is that, with the "tail" on the other one that makes it appear like a speech bubble, it does not make me think so much of a box...it makes me think there is dialogue - a discussion or conversation - going on. I like that.
No, not really a fan...I'm sorry...the more I think about it, the more the "H" and the "R" are in a box...which conveys that we are boxed and do not think creatively outside the norm or the standard. Again, I'm sorry.
Hmmm, I keep going back and forth between #135 and this one. I believe I like the soften gray tone of the words, versus the charcoal color of these words. Although the word "Master" is 'commanding', I don't know that the color needs to reflect that....something to ponder today.
Not as big a fan of the larger and taller logo...sorry! Also, the words "Master consultants" in black is very stark, 'in your face'. It might be toned down by doing it in gray instead.
I like it. I do not know which design I like better: this one, with the boxed "HR" or #137 with the similar shape of a speech bubble. It is a hard decision.
I have a similar graphic from another designer. What if you also allowed the vertical line of the "R" to be joined with vertical line of the "H"? It may not be easily identified as an "H" and an "R", but it is worth a try.
Hmm. I think the word "Master" is spread out a bit too far...or maybe my eyes are just too tired tonight. I would also recommend changing the color of the tag line, to make it stand out. I do like it stacked, and it saves room on the width. Thank you for showing a different option.
Ah, wait. The font is black or darker gray than #57. It might be too stark...I will have to keep looking back at the gray to decide if that is better on the eyes.
One more request, please... what if the tag line were in a different color than the company name above it....or maybe there is a line or something to differentiate. I know the font is smaller; but now, having seen other submissions, I think we need some difference between the company name and the tag line. Thank you, in advance!
Now that I have had some time to ruminate on this, it appears that "HR" is in a box. In other words, we do not think creatively outside the box; but we stay within the confines of the box. Truly, this is what HR typically is about...consistency and staying "within the lines". However, our consulting firm needs to creatively think about how we solve our clients problems and how we improve their offerings to the employees. So, I am not sure I want to convey that we are staying in a box. If the box looked more like your first design, which appears to be a speech balloon, then maybe it would not seem so much like just a box...
Now that I have had some time to ruminate on this, it appears that "HR" is in a box. In other words, we do not think creatively outside the box; but we stay within the confines of the box. Truly, this is what HR typically is about...consistency and staying "within the lines". However, our consulting firm needs to creatively think about how we solve our clients problems and how we improve their offerings to the employees. So, I am not sure I want to convey that we are staying in a box.
It is not as bad as I thought it would look...that's encouraging. Now one more tweak: can we use the icon that has the "tail" coming off of the "R" instead?
I believe I like the other design with the "tail" coming off of the letter "R", instead of the letter "H". The other one reminds me more of speech balloon, signifying that someone is talking.
Oooo, I like it. the tag line is small, but then I have old eyes!
Is it safe to assume that the word "Master" could not be stretched to match the width of the next two lines without it looking ridiculous? I am a very symmetrical person. Would it be too much trouble to see it that way?
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So, here is what we are going to ultimately need:
1. One horizontal logo, with white background (as it currently is in #454);
2. One vertical logo, with white background (as it currently is in #453);
3. One horizontal logo, with a transparent background;
4. One vertical logo, with a transparent background; and
5. The graphic extracted, all on its own, without the words.
I realize that we may have to pay for additional versions of the logo. So, I want to make sure you know what we need on the front end, before we get too far into any revisions.
Thank you so much!
So, here is what we are thinking:
-- we like this vertical design and do not believe it needs any more modifications; and
-- we would like to see this in a horizontal layout. I know you have done several of these, but I could not locate one with the "tail" on the R instead of the H. I will look through your submissions and see if I can find the one we liked that needed this slight modification.
Thank you!
Is the font cleaner, crisper?
Is it safe to assume that the word "Master" could not be stretched to match the width of the next two lines without it looking ridiculous? I am a very symmetrical person. Would it be too much trouble to see it that way?