Hello asapdesign,
Thank you for your suggestion.
I would like to request some changes.
I would like a smaller font on the GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, and to line up the ΗPL with the letters (HARIS P.LAMARIS & ASSOCIATES) closest. Further, i would like to do bold the (HARIS P.LAMARIS & ASSOCIATES).
Also i would like to delete the P.C. from the logo and test a different shade of red (more dark).
Hello asapdesign,
Thank you for your suggestion.
I would like to request some changes.
I would like a smaller font on the GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, and to line up the ΗPL with the letters (HARIS P.LAMARIS & ASSOCIATES) closest.
Also i would like to delete the P.C. from the logo.
Hello asapdesign,
Thank you for your suggestion.
I would like to request some changes.
I would like a smaller font on the GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, and a thiner font on the HPL
Also i would like to delete the P.C. from the logo and to put a different shade of red.
Comment Activity
Thank you for your suggestion.
I would like to request some changes.
I would like a smaller font on the GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, and to line up the ΗPL with the letters (HARIS P.LAMARIS & ASSOCIATES) closest. Further, i would like to do bold the (HARIS P.LAMARIS & ASSOCIATES).
Also i would like to delete the P.C. from the logo and test a different shade of red (more dark).
thanks you!
Thank you for your suggestion.
I would like to request some changes.
I would like a smaller font on the GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, and to line up the ΗPL with the letters (HARIS P.LAMARIS & ASSOCIATES) closest.
Also i would like to delete the P.C. from the logo.
thanks you!
Thank you for your suggestion.
I would like to request some changes.
I would like a smaller font on the GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, and a thiner font on the HPL
Also i would like to delete the P.C. from the logo and to put a different shade of red.
thanks you!