Not so serious, but still professional and quirky - the kind of branding that will attract interest. I imagine the bean speaking with an English accent. Derbies and monocles are always good for a chuckle.
On a deeper level (are we discussing English coffee beans with hats and eye wear?) the logo playfully hints at the refined/higher class of beans that are used. By not including a face, the qualities are given to the bean, rather than the bean having a personality of it's own (and becoming too "cartoony") I also think that the bean icon has MANY marketing extension potentials - hats, mugs, pins, stickers, shirts, etc. It has enough "quirkiness" to create character, but not so much that it overshadows the brand.
Here's a logo with the tagline. In my opinion, a logo doesn't need to explain/depict the product - it can also set the tone of the business, present the atmosphere. In other words, it represents the brand, rather than the product. (of course - as the logo buyer - you decide what the logo needs to say and do...just thought I'd throw my ideas out there :) ) Any suggestions you have, revisions that should be made, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I tried to capture the organic/natural aspect of the drinks with the feel/style of it. The two drinks are together - like you're zooming in on the table of two friends that met for coffee (or a smoothie & espresso, as it is) In this way, the logo establishes what types of things are available AND that it's a place to go with friends. The brand becomes a symbol for coffee drinks AND socialization.