House of LIFeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / House of LIFe

House of LIFe has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 135 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer

My recommendation here is simplicity, which you also pointed out in your brief.
I want to take this in direction of IKEA, ASKO and similar brands were we have no actual imagery, but only the word... in a special colour or as here... mounted on a coloured back plate that lifts the wording.

Du kan prata svenska med mig om du så ö det underlättar ;-)

Robert O. Akerman
12 years ago
Logo Designer
It might work with a VERY simple symbol. Here a small "h" as a chair - combined of the letters "h" and "L" - for House of Life. #28
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I meant of course #29 in previous note... ;)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
A tighter design. #30 And a stronger/brighter signal colour.

I want to see this logo on bags and on brochure material. You're carrying the bag from Kosta Boda in one hand and the bag from House of LIFe in the other.. happily walking home.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
#31 - An additional element to this shape might indicate that it is a bubble (pratbubbla) that is taking place in the corner of a room.

Meaning = When we are talking room - We are talking HOUSE of LIFe
När Vi Pratar Rum - Pratar Vi HOUSE of LIFe

..and voilá.. just like that you have a slogan too... ;-)

12 years ago
Ok, bra då pratar jag gärna svenska med dig.
Jag gillar alla förslagen, det är väl den gula färgen som jag har lite svårt för.
Ingen favoritfärg.. för mycket av den gamla Posten...:)
Pratbubblan förstod jag inte förrän jag efteråt läste detta...
Men tanken var bra, och en slogan som var super! Tack!
12 years ago
Logo Designer

tack för feedback!

Jag kommer att skicka in ett antal varianter under dagen med förhoppning att något passar.
Använd slogan som du vill. Den bjuder vi på! ;-)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#52 En stol som balanserar - Designerns utmaning, att hitta den rätta balansen
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#55 Perspektiv, placering och dynamik
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#57 #58 Rött är för liv, blod och passion. Symbolen i hörnet - Armstödet på en klassisk fåtölj med sin knapp. (Kvalité på detaljnivå)
12 years ago
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