Thank you for your entry s. I felt that id like too see what you could come up with in the judging phase . I would really prefer an emblem that would look good on white paper, letterheads and business cards. We really impressed with this design as we are looking for a classy and modern emblem. We would like to see it in other coloured combinations i,e silver on white but happy for you to experiment with this basic design and offer some more in this format Many thanks
Hello, I can not participate in your contest because I do not belong to the top 3. Only the first 3 can offer you other designs. Shame, because I had really love this contest. Thanks, Arm
Thank you for your latest entry as I do like the #130 with the circle, Please could you show me a couple of options using different colours? 1. I would like to see the gold to be less yellow 2. Could you do this design using silver , grey and white perhaps with black if it doesnt stand out.