Lets try putting the bowtie inbetween the H and the U to make it look like the pinky is wearing the bowtie...not sure if it'll look good, but just an idea.
I don't like the font. See if you can make it similar to the other submissions. Make the word "Hospitality" navy blue and the word "United" in red. Incorporate the same font into the logo if possible. Right now it looks a little too cartoony.
I like this revision. Can i see some with and without the bowtie? Also, do you think it would look good for the leaves of the pineapple to go throughout the "H"?
You're obviously a very skilled designer, what other ideas do you have for the logo? Or maybe even a completely different direction? I'm trying to get as many ideas as I can before we run out of time.
There's still something not as professional about these. I'm trying to brainstorm but not getting anywhere. Please send over whatever other ideas you may have.