HorsepowerFinder.comLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 61 designs from 12 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by CreativeLogic Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 3rd #24 Withdrawn 10th #37 Withdrawn New #17 Withdrawn New #36 Withdrawn New #10 Withdrawn New #18 Withdrawn New #26 Withdrawn New #20 Withdrawn New #19 Withdrawn New #9 Withdrawn New #8 Withdrawn Prefers others. #25 Withdrawn Prefers others. #15 Withdrawn Prefers others. #14 Withdrawn Prefers others. #13 Withdrawn Prefers others. #12 Withdrawn Prefers others. #11 Discussion CreativeLogic Logo Designer update :)(This comment references Entry #13) 14 years ago CreativeLogic Logo Designer revise :)(This comment references Entry #17) 14 years ago dragline Client I definitely prefer the way you have the .com in #24. Were I to make any suggestions for something I would like to see it would be make the .com a little more noticeable and darken the blue just a little. 14 years ago CreativeLogic Logo Designer Thank you so much for the feedback and rank :)These the revise .com coloron silver background #25on black background #26let me know if you need another adjustment to see :)Best Regards,Nur:) 14 years ago