Hello, Thank you very much for your entry. I really like this design; however, I was wondering if we could try some modifications. Could we try a different font? Maybe something bolder or chunkier like the word "logo" in the logotournament logo above?
I really like this design as well, but I ranked the other design higher as it takes up less space. However, the layout of the words with the line here is great.
Hello RayleneJ! This design is fabulous (i love what you did with the water), and currently is pretty much tied for #1. However, could I see a comp with this design that includes the line you used in #9.
Hello RayleneJ, After speaking with the owners of the business, they like your designs the best. However, would it be possible to get the waves that you used in design #1, but not have it bleed onto the letters like you did in design #2?
I am so pleased that you are happy with my designs - I have just made that alteration and uploaded it for you. If I have misunderstood, please let me know.
Thanks so much! I hope that you and your new logo will be very happy together! If you ever need any further design work done, please don't hesitate to contact me.
When you get a chance could you please approve the uploaded files.