here's my first entry...i was thinking outside the box with the title and everything but I really want to capture the fact that it is a book and also that this isn't just a logo but an event. Let me know what you think.
I like #6 a lot. Not sure if it should say "Scotty Smiley" in two places, but I like what you have done with the top part of the logo. I will give some thought to re-thinking my tag line. Really like how you have incorporated the date and the rough feel it has.
Thank you for the feedback!. I did think about the redundancy of having the name repeated and that led to the "simplified version #7 which basically has all the info currently required in the briefing. I will see if I can improve on what I have in the meantime.
Look at the slogan...I'm trying to come up with something nice to fit there while enhancing the overall look and feel of the design. I added more red for patriotism. more adjustments coming up...
My last submission #43 was cleaned up a bit for the clarity of smaller text. I also flattened all colors (no gradients) so that this can easily be screen printed on t-shirts etc.