Thank you! I like it very much! I like the colors that are playful. I like that you used the items I am going to sell in the writing. I would like the slogan to be a little bit more readable. You did a good job!
Also, could you work on the letters P, L and A too because I realized that only the first letters had symbols and not the 3 last ones. Thanks a lot for your work!
Thanks for your efforts! Could you offer us a different one for the first O? My husband thinks it looks like the number 6. Thanks a lot. I am not sure yet if I prefer #62 or #72. I love the colors though and the idea.
Hello, I keep looking at the logo that I really like. Could I give you some more suggestions: concerning the word HOOPLA in #62: H is perfect. Could you try to close the first O and put a hanger at the bottom of it with a cloth on the hanger. Then, I like the curtain in the second O. For the letter P, I prefer the one you did in #72. I love the L in shape of a bean bag. I like the idea of a hand in the last A but I think we can misunderstand it with a O. Could you change it in a way that it really looks like a A? I like the font of the word ROOM. And finally, I prefer the slogan in#72 which is a little bit darker. Thanks a lot for yout work!
Thanks! I prefer the O with the pendant light. It is very nice. I liked the second O with the curtain. Could you keep it? maybe you should reduce a little bit the size of the curtain. Also, could you try something else for the P, I don't really like the bird. And I prefer the L before. I loved the idea of the hand in the final A. Thanks for all your efforts!
thanks for the updates! I like #90 very much. I am still not convinced by letter P though and the last A, I like very much the hand but I don't want people to read a O. Is there a way you could change that? Thanks again!
I like your design very much. I like your creativity. It's very original and different from all the other logos I've received so far. Would you be able to present an other concept that would be completly different from what you have done for me so far? That way, I could see what other options I have for my logo. Don't get me wrong, I like the one you presented very much. It's just that I would like to have more choices. Thanks a lot for all your effort and great job,
Thank you very much, I am looking forward to it! The hand in the letter P is much better. I love it! Still, I hesitate with the last A. I am going to shaw my friends to ask for their opinions. #91 is the one I prefer so far. Again, Thanks a lot!
Thanks for making such a good job! #95 is too simple. I would like something more original. #94 is nice. I don't like the font but I like the idea a lot. Thanks again,
Woooooow!!! Thank you so much! I love your ideas! # 97, #98, #99: I prefer it with the A navy blue and I also prefer when the A is closed like in #99. I think it's less confusing. I like this design a lot! Regading your new ones: I like very much #96 but I don't really like the font for letters R and M in ''ROOM''. #100 is too simple. But thanks for trying so hard! And #101: I think this one is very interesting. I like the idea very much. I am just asking, I am not sure about that: do you think 2 different fonts for ''HOOPLA'' and "ROOM" would be nice? I don't know myself, just would like to have your profesional opinion.
Thank you! #103: I think readability is the priority. And the basket is too big for the letter. Would it be possible to write the A plain (remove the basket) and in the white part, in the middle of the letter just put a small hook (to put the kid's clothes). Also could you make the first O purple and the L green. I would like to see it with this combination please. Again, thanks for your work. I really appreciate all your time, efforts, and creativity,
Thanks for your update! I think combining all the designs that you made, we should make the perfect one ;-) I showed the logos to my friends. They loved your idea of having each letter standing for an item. Here is the feedback if you could mix the logos to create a new one please: -letter H and first O: you keep it like in #103 -Second O: you open it like a box like in #56 -Letter P:you use a dark orange and keep the hand inside like #92 -Letter L: you use the one in logo #80 -Last A: you use a yellow but a little bit darker than the one you used and you put a sticker inside like #92 but I would like, if you don't mind, the lines of the stickers being more noticeable so that we see better it is a sticker.
Also, for the slogan,could you try it lower case only and with a stylish and modern font (like the one in design #47)
We are very close to a great design! Thank you for your patience and for always listening to my modifications!
I just received #102: I like it when it's easy for the custumer to read it and the circle on the letter R makes it confusing I think. I prefered #101. Thanks!
Thanks for your update #112! We're almost there! Could you please try to write the slogan in lowercase? Also regarding the final A, I think it was most readable in logo #92 whith the sticker white. Maybe you should keep it white but just highlight the part of the sticker that you peel? We really appreciate your creativity and your work!
Happy new year to you and your loved ones!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am thinking about something else. I am sorry for all my comments, I hope you're not tired of it. #112: Could you please try to close the 2nd O and hang a hanger to it in the bottom of the letter? Only if it's not confusing with another letter since readibility is my priority. Thanks a lot,
#96: I like this one very much but I was told that it's not very convenient to have a logo with a colored background for black and white prints. So I don't think I'll keep this one. I am of course really into #112 that was your first inspiration and has a huge success among my friends! I would like to see it with the changes that I asked you to do but it's the one I prefer so far among all logos. I also really like #101 but would like to see it with a different font. Thanks a lot,
We showed your logos to many friend (during new year's eve) and they all LOVEEEED #101. They are afraid that #112 might be hard to read. So I think we'll go with #101 at the end. It is just that I would like to see it with an other font if possible. Also I don't like that one of the color dots on the top of the R is higher. I think all the dot should be in the same line or maybe 1 up, 1down, 1 up, 1down.... Also regarding the slogan, the correct writing is "modern accessories for kids rooms" We made a mistake to write kid's rooms. Thanks a lot! Best regards and all the best for 2013
Thanks a lot! It's a lot of choices! So #144 is my favorite one. Could you please try to make a bigger space between the 2 words HOOPLA and ROOM so that we see it's 2 different words? Also I don't really like the shape of letter R uppercase. Is it possible to change it? The space between the colored circle is not regular. Could you please make it regular? #145: I don't want it to be bold. I think it's less classy. #147, #148, #149: The font is too futuristic. Something else: Would it be possible to offer us a version with colorful items above HOOPLAROOM, items similar to the one you draw in your first designs (hamac, pillow, curtains, bean bag). Just one to see.
Thanks a lot! #142: Could you do the same one with the space between HOOPLA and ROOM and an uppercase for R that is different and kids written in an other color that yellow so that we see it better. Thanks for everything!
I don't see #153, #154, #155??? But I love #156. That's the best! You got it! Now we hesitate between this one and the one that we ranked #3 but we love your work. Honestly, you are an artist. We love your creativity. By tomorrow, we'll let you know the logo we have chosen.
Thank you for always answering my request, for being so fast to answer and for all your efforts.
#156: could you please: - add a little bit more space between HOOPLA and ROOM -make the vertical bar in the middle of the M down -darker a little bit the green so that we read better ACCESSORIES
I am happy to let you know that I chose you as the winner of this contest. It was a pleasure to work with you. You are very talented and creative. Thank you for always listening to my wishes and always answering quickly. Did you get my message yesterday?
Now that I chose my logo, it's the beginning of new adventures for me! I am waiting for you to come back to me to let me know the different formalities. Best regards,