Thank you for your work! #7: I liked that you used 2 different colors for HOOPLA and ROOM. But I think it is written too small and I am not crazy about the white and blue.
#6 is not bad. Maybe you could try with different colors. And HOOPLA written in the same color as the O from ROOM is not very readable to me. I would love to have a little drawing somewhere, maybe playing with the double O's? #5: the color grey for HOOPLA is not strong enough. Maybe black would be better? What about the slogan? Was it too long to be incorporated? Thanks a lot for your work!
Jessica, I love the entry#10! I like the fact that we see clearly the slogan. I love that you played with the O's. I am sorry with the colors again but could you try it with different association of colors? #11: the fact that you made a butterfly makes the reading of the O's less easy I think. The eye focuses on the butterfly instead of the words. You did a great job! Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the link! here are a few that I liked but I couldn't go through all the colors (there were too much): Kalins room, colorido, first 3 of happy child, wowowowow. Generally speaking, I would like bright colors. In your logo#7 I think all black is too sad. The brand is going to sell product to decorate kid's rooms. It needs to be playful and fun. Thank you for your hard work!
ok will work on it. and about the black version, is just want to let you know that the logo will works good in black and white works, you will need the black version for copy or fax work, hope you understand :) and thanks for your feedback
Hello Jessica, Thanks again! Regarding #50 and #52. It reminds me too much of the Olympics. That's not really the idea. It would like it to be easy to read. Thanks for trying so hard!
Hello Jessica, I hope I didn't offend you. It is just that the 4 O's with 4 different colors are not my taste. I really liked your design #47 and #9 though. Thanks again!
Hello Jessica, Any new design? I am waiting for your new creation. We are in the second phase of the contest and there is less than 2 days left for me to select the winner. Thanks a lot, happy new year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Jessica. I am french and my name is typically french ;-) I like that in both #137 and #138 we see clearly the slogan but I am not crazy about the ballons. Would you have a different idea? I really appreciate your work and effort,