There are potentials here. I like these two but I have the following comments, hope you don't mind:
-I think they're clean but I'd love to see a little bit less rigid / business-like look and feel. -I'd love to see 3-4 colors combo -I don't think the "R" in Realty should be in the logo initials -I like how you have Home and Wise in two different colors -I'd like to see a different that's a little more feminine and unique but keep the elegant and smartness in them.
Can I see one with a heart shape dot on the "i" in Wise? I hope it wouldn't take away the elegant and modern look though.
I posted the slogan incorrectly. It should be "Helping you make all the wise choices"
#40 has high potential. Thank you. I like the color scheme of #32 Like the layout, but maybe the house shape/picture could be more unique and elegant Maybe omit the slogan What other color scheme (orange, red, blue, etc.) would you make it for vibrancy?
#40 I think the house would look less "boxy" or "generic" if it doesn't have the line on the left (like the left wall of the house) as well as the horizontal line above the SE. Then, the roof shape lines (up side down V) doesn't have to be a single line and/or they could be thicker or shadowed. I'd like the colors to be stronger and vibrant but not loud and they could be another different group of colors. These colors combo is pretty but just a bit weak and subtle. Could you use the same word HomeWise (font and mix of cap & lowercase) as in #41 for #40? The heart above the "i" could be smaller / more subtle.
Again, thank you very much for your time. This one might work out.
Looking very good! #45: Please delete the chimney and slogan.
#48: Please delete the chimney and slogan, and add the "HW" in the background that is the same font type as the "HW" in #41.
#41: Delete slogan, make the heart much much smaller and use it in place of the dot (.) on the "i", delete the horizontal line that connects the house to the heart.
I'm asking for final versions in order to decide on the winner, then fine tune from there. I'd like to make a decision within the next couple of days. Please send me final versions as follows:
Version 1: #61 1. Delete the watermark (HW in the background). 2. Make the heart a tiny bit smaller. 3. Place the window lined up straight above the i and the heart and the heart should be a tiny bit smaller than the windows, but don't make the window any bigger than it is. 4. Keep the line below Home and use gold color for it. 5. Make the font size of "Realty" a little smaller, but it should still line up with "Wise" above it so that it could act as if it's the foundation of the house. 6. Use dark green or dark teal for "Home" and "Realty" and gold for Wise. 7. Use dark green or teal and gold color scheme. I like the dark green, teal and gold colors on these links: In this MACTA color chart, I like the Gold 9879-00 and Green/Teal 9849-00 and 9849-21. In this PTAStuff color charts, I like the 38-Dark Green and 36-Metallic Gold and the Forest in the cotton color group.
I also like the gold you use in design #60.
Version 2: #61
1. Delete the watermark (HW in the background). 2. Make the heart a tiny bit smaller. 3. Place the window straight above the i and the heart and the heart should be a tiny bit smaller than the windows, but don't make the window any bigger than it is. 4. Use all capitalizations for "HOMEWISE" but make the "H" and "W" taller/bigger than the rest of the letters. 5. Use both capitalization and lowercase for "Realty" so that only the "R" is capitalized and the whole word should be in a smaller size than HOMEWISE. 6. Keep the line underneath Home and keep it in gold color. 7. Use same color scheme as describe in version 1 above.
Version #3 & #4: #61 Make all the changes as above, but keep the watermark; however, make it lighter and give it some different fonts than the watermark in #61 and #60).
I really appreciate your time and attention. I look forward to seeing the revised versions soon. Thank you very much!
Since you've not responded to my comments, revision requests for 3 days, I'm not sure if I should continue with you. I'm not sure what happened in the last 3 days but I haven't received any new revisions...