At first glance, I like the colors. I'd like to see the more vibrant colors so that the colors wouldn't get lost after so many production/duplication in our usage later one. Would love to see a combo with more colors, like 3-4 different colors.
Are those two hands holding the house?
What do you think having a little heart shape dot on top of the "i"?
I like the fonts.
"LLC" doesn't necessarily have to be part of the logo even though it's part of the legal name.
I posted the slogan incorrectly. It should be "Helping you make all the wise choices". Sorry...
#34 I like the heart in the house and on the "i". I'm still having a problem with the hands holding the house. I'm looking for elegant, clean, modern and smart and I think the hearts already throw off these characteristics a bit, and the hands just take away from "elegant, clean, modern, and smart" even more...I'd like to keep playing with the hearts, and one without the hearts but definitely without the hands.
Thank you for the new designs. I appreciate your time. The heart should not be the main or primary focus though. My main focus is still elegant, modern, quality and with some caring in it so that it's not all just business and coldness, but the focus should not be in the "caring" part too much. I hope I'm making some sense here. :)
I'm still looking for something more elegant and modern.
Also, I'm thinking that the house picture looks too simple and tend to me generic like any other house pictures on many logos that are already in existence. Could you please come up with another design for the picture that portrays elegance, quality/integrity and caring? Thank you so much!