First of all, i'd like to congratulate you on this very interesting venture! I myself have been following and using Homeopathic doctoring for the last 4.5 years and have never felt better!
These are my initial logotypes for your review and consideration.... all od them use the Type inside leafs and or trees as you may see... and between them is the option of doors to emphasize that sometimes, remedies are all in the reach of your home.
Hi Deux Thank you so much for all the thoughts you have put into this and I'm so very happy you have had great success. We are finding Haiti and other countries so appreciative and empowered to be able to heal themselves and their communities with this inexpensive medicine.
What our biggest misconception is when we discuss homeopathy, is most people think its herbology or naturopathy, so I think leaves or trees might reinforce this misunderstanding. Your thought of in your home is a very interesting message although this organization has been helping them create a professional healthcare system around homeopathy in these countries, so people will begin to understand H heals way beyond what people can do for themselves in their own homes. Really like your design sense with type and layout. What do you think about some type of graphic spreading wings to empower or movement showing some kind of energy and not being as literal?
We will need to embroider the design on shirts for all the healthcare workers and volunteers so I'm seeing something identifiable without too being to busy. Thank you so much for all your help. I'm excited to take this around the world. Laurie
Hi Deux, Thanks for your quick response. I didn't communicate very well some of the things I really feel your original designs had that captured homeopathy. I could tell you were getting some softness into the logo in your first designs because of homeopathy's gentle healing and yet used a nice strong type to show its powerful healing effects.
I think this #32 ,33 lost some of that and may be a bit too literal and hard. I'm not sure how to communicate a flowing movement design with the yin yang qualities. You are an excellent designer with a heart for this, I'm enjoying your perspectives. Thank you, Laurie