Not wild about the dog house, i do like how u did the maginfying glass actually magnify part of com, very creative... can you try more ideas like that, and think of something new instead of the dog house. Thanks
ok awesome :) i like the characters you have done in your portfolio, are those your custom characters? do you think you could make one for homedogg? a construction dog? or a super hero dog, "not a cheesy looking one like i have under "not interested" some where... thanks again
yo i rreally like this can you try some color variations with this. with the dark grey and the blue. maybe have the dog have an orange background of the hole hes comingout with... try and make it 2.0 looking also , thanks this is SICKKKKK!:)
hello, thanks fo the feedback, I´m not very good drawing dogs haha, but at the moment this is the only thing i can do to make it look like a dog, my scanner is broken, and today sunday there is no place for scan a new draw.
hey! I placed you in first place so that you could enter some more designs! :) looking forward to the other dog options "try out boxer first!:)" and a black lab! "with the white path on the chest, if shown"
i had this idea you could try, make him reading blue prints wearing a yellow construction hat and on back of blueprints have it say and slogan with a house behind him? can we try this
try doing brown roof, green cape, and orange ring. my opinion and then idk, id say prolly finished... if u have your own ideas.... go with them, we can close this out in morning!