Hello there could you try the leads so that they end it red, yellow and white so that they match the colours of RCA leads, Not sure if you would have to change the colour scheme to suit. Few people i show the logos to do like yours as one of there fav's i would like to see the change!
Thanks for the efforts, mate could you try #113 in a full white background. And also one on white but just the house in green then a gap before the circle. Also a black and whte one for me.
OK mate like #151 alot. Could you do one more for me, I think 151 look would good on cards and paperwork and the like but i may need one with strait up and down writing for a shirt logo for embroidering. Could yo do a new 151 but try: Integrating technology. instead of We plug you play. Thanks!
#161 could try the house at the end to the right, then maybe use the leads as an underline? additional writing or not? also one more with just the #161 with the wording only not the graphics just to see how it looks. Sorry the more you do the ore ideas you give me!
OK last 2 lol, #166 can you please remove the house all together and can you try #161 and #151 with a solid green house with no shading. No shading because you will no see it on embroidering on a shirt. thanks