We like the graphic in #41, and the treatment of our name. I love the gold color. We often use the graphic without the spelled-out name, so we'd like to see it incorporate HHP. Is that possible? If it works, we'd also love to see some of the turquoisy blue used in other of the logos and per our original specs. Thank you.
Hello, We like these very much. Your designs are definitely the front runner. We were going to ask you to do a square version, so perfect. We loved the way the book page overlapped the circle in #114, and we're wondering if that can be achieved with the square. Or perhaps combine the square and the circle, with a square bottom and a domed top, using #128 as a starting point, since that has the contained square for logo? Even if you can't make the square/circle combo work, I'm pretty sure we'll be going with one or more variations of this logo. Using the lavendar shadow under pages is good because it helps bring out the purple in that dark blue/purple color, which we want. We love the gold color. We're sorry to lose the turquoise, so if something occurs to you we'd love to see it. But we appreciate the simplicity and don't want you to make it too complicated, so we'll leave it to you. The pen cannot be used in any versions because it's too old fashioned. Thank you.
One more note: For a vertical stacked version, please see the logo I have ranked #2--the words Holcomb and Hathaway are very much the same size. That is preferable because I am Holcomb and my partner is Hathaway, so we'd prefer them to look as similar as possible. If that isn't possible, we'll go with the name at right instead of below. But it would be nice to have a stacked version and you're close! Thank you.
Hi my apologies for the late reply daylight time but will update the logo soon, thank you for the detailed feedback on the entries it will help a lot with the changes for your logo. I'll work on it right now thank you for your patience :)
Thank you! I will have to wait until business tomorrow to share w my partner and get back w you. I will choose you as the winner and will send feedback soon. Thank you again.
Hello, I am declaring you the winner. Thank you and congratulations. The logo I've ranked #1 is our favorite, but the type is not yet perfect and in a few moments I'll ask for some other modifications. I appreciate your help. I think we're close.
I have re-read the rules and I think you and I should work a little more to perfect the logo before I formally declare the specific winning logo. I am not working with any other designers at this point. But it seems like finalizing the logo is part of the "judging" phase, since after you win the artwork gets uploaded.
May I email you directly or do you prefer to keep working on this site? I'm not sure of the process. Gay Pauley gpauley@hh-pub.com
Hi thank you for the continued support yes judging phase of the contest only makes the 1st rank designer able to submit changes for the logo. I'll tweak up #114 you can message me here for you desired changes. Thanks.
Actually, I guess 149 is closest. The type is not quite perfect, but that may be something we can fool around with once we have the file. I referred you to ranked choice #2, for balance of HOLCOMB and HATHAWAY, and you're much closer, so thank you. Perhaps the type for those words is a bit heavy, while "PUBLISHERS" is a bit light. Can you tell me what font that is?
The turquoise as used on the earlier designs didn't work, but can you try a light shade of turquoise for the "shadow" under the book--you used turquoise there but it was a little dark. (And the HHP should stay white.) If that turquoise shadow works, then perhaps the rule in the type could also be turquoise. If that doesn't work, then I guess we're going without the turquoise!
Finally, can you try one version with a thin-ruled purple box around the circle--just white inside the box with the round logo floating. On the spines of our books we will use just the circular part, so we'll need to separate it from colored backgrounds.
Oh wait, I see the type on 152 is lighter. Yes, that's better. I didn't realize you'd submitted new ones and didn't look carefully. I'd add another point or two of space between the lines of type. If you'd do the other suggestions I just wrote about, that would be great. Thanks again.
#156 looks good. I think the turquoise works but let me show the others here. Thank you. I was requesting not a border directly around the circle (we like the unbound circle!) but a square, thin-ruled box with the circle floating inside--about a pica of space between circle and box.
Good day, sorry I misunderstood the last request but have send some updates with regards to this: #157 - #158 - #159 feel free to comment on the entries. Thanks.
May we ask you to upload three or four of the designs once we declare you the winner? I will do that right now. If so, I'd like 114, 148, 153, 158. Thank you!