I've just finished new logos for you. #16, #17 and #18. I think this ones are closer to your suggestions. They fit with your business and the architecture of the houses. If you like the concepts, we can make all the changes that you want in order to make the perfect logo for your business.
entry 11 is still our favorite of yours. we are concerned about the HR monogram denoting Human Resources and Historic Richmond Inns. One innkeeper does not like monograms at all. There are six of us so it takes me time to poll everybody.
I have designed new logos for you. I have changed HM monogram...and now I used HMI or only R. I have seen each websites of houses. They are beatiful and I think logos fit with decoration, luxurius...
Other concept is to use house´s architecture. I only draw one of them, but I can draw all houses.
Please, If you like the concepts, we can make all the changes that you want in order to make the perfect logo for your business.
I'm afraid not one of the houses is generic enough to be used as a logo for group. You have obviously used my house - very nice! but I am sure the others would have a little heartburn with it. Generic architectural features might be better. one entry #86 has misspelling should be INNS not INSS. Thanks for all your hard work