Could you take of the HP but keep everything else? I like the roof and the simple lettering. Possibly 2-3 color schemes with green, grey, black too? Thanks.
Could you take of the HP but keep everything else? I like the roof and the simple lettering. Possibly 2-3 color schemes with green, grey, black too? Thanks.
Thanks for giving feedback and rating, but now only the top 5 ranked designer are able to submit new design / entry. Please temporary rank my existing entry to top 5.
Hi, it is now in judging time, which only the 1st ranked designer able to submit new design. The revised or new entries are ready to be uploaded. Please place my entry to 1st, sorry for any inconvenient caused.
Can you give me 2-3 color options for the #1 ranked selection? I think the green is a bit weak, so possibly a stronger green, or more black. I am getting close to deciding, I promise.
Sorry to keep bothering you. Could you give 1-2 different green options for this? I moved the ranking from the previous #2 to now being #1 (house with one roof line is our favorite), but the green is a bit weak. Thank you again.
Not trouble at all. I've uploaded few version of greens, if it's not what you are looking for, perhaps you could send me an image of green color for my reference.