All three very clever, very simple and really like the colors. Can you make the bottom of #36 look more like an H? Like the typeset and placing. Thank you!
Hi there. Thanks for your feedback and glad that you love it. I have changed the H trunk so it looks more obvious like H. It resembles the image of people. Check entry #43 #44 #45. Hope u like it.
Any changes you want to see, just let me know. Thanks!
#43 is looking good. Again, could you make the "H" a bit thinner. Also, could we see a version with out the tag line. ("to teach, etc"...)
Also, #36 is very nice, as well. Any way to see that concept on a shield? Play around with a couple version of both please. I think we're getting closer. Thanks!
Hi thanks for your feedback again! Here's the revisions : #53 : #36 on a shield. Widen the H abit so it looks more "H" #55 : skinner H. All without the tagline.