Hike In camp OutLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Hike In camp Out Hike In camp Out has selected their winning logo design. For $325 they received 58 designs from 7 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by yannevara Return to Contest Return to Contest 2nd #49 Withdrawn 5th #48 Withdrawn 7th #58 Withdrawn New #37 Withdrawn New #51 New #46 Withdrawn New #39 Withdrawn New #36 Withdrawn New #33 Withdrawn New #47 Withdrawn New #50 Discussion danpwhite Client #48 looks like we are getting there - it seems like the image inside the circle is sligtly tilted to the right can you level it please. Then remove the rope inside the circle. And try putting the shadow back on the outter ring. Looks great 15 years ago