I really like the layout of #10, particularly the features of the golf ball. I'm not crazy about the font used for Highland Rim. I think I would prefer either the font used in #11 and #12. I like more straight line bold type fonts. I'd also like to see "Highland Rim" in both the green and black to compare. I also like the word golf course to be underneath, not around the ball. You might try it without the words golf course since this will be on our apparel as well as website and billboard where the viewer will most likely know it is a golf course. Really good work to use as a baseline. I'm excited. I looked at your other work. I really like your "fishical therapy", "boom skill", and "purple turtle" designs. As I will be using this design in addition to my current logo I'd like to see something more fun like the ones I've mentioned. I'm not a creative person by nature and you have really opened my eyes. I think I like to see even if you worked in some other colors.
#14 take off words golf course and move "Highland RIm" down slightly. Same with #13 On #11 substitute teh golf ball of #14 and put our current logo on ball. Would like to see it that way without the current logo as well.
Hi, thanks for your comments and feedback. As for adding your logo, I`d prefer to wait until you get vector version (I can always make copy of your existing logo, but it`s better to have original vector version). I hope that so far I did everything you had in mind. Further feedback is always welcome. As for playful version, I`m working on one, and will post it very soon. Regards, Bob
#16 has promise. Any chance you could make the arc of the tail of the ball higher and somehow stack the highland Rim. I'm starting to get concerned these logos maybe too wide for embroidery on a ball cap.
I really like # 22. Could you put a couple different faces on the ball. Maybe one terrified (like screaming), or one with an angry(?) look? Finally if you could do one with just a ball falling into the hole with our current logo on it. Thanks for your input, John