Can you revise this with 206 font for highest evolvement
Then keep this icon and slogan font.
Also leveling it out so the h is with the leaves and e with the roots please and thank you
That looks great now just doing the finishing touches. Still not sure with the slogan font. Can you show me this icon and highest evolvement with slogan from 238
I want the font big enough to be able to be read clearly. Still balanced though.
I'm going to be stamping this on soaps I want all ages to be able to. Read it clearly.
Please revise this one color icon
Keep font the same. Have the h from highest line up with the top of the icon. The slogan in line with the top right root. So it's level. Please
This is the icon I want for my company just need to tweek the font a bit were almost there thank you so much for all your help 😊
Sorry late reply I've been at work yes I love it. I'm just going back and forth between fonts I love the design just going back and forth between design 207 and this one
Can you show me what design 207 would look like with the color icon, and a bolder slogan Please and thank you
I really like this one I just think the slogan is a little hard to read, can we try either increasing the size slightly or a diffrent font for the slogan. This is my favorite so far
Im so grateful for you taking The time to create my vision
I really like this font. I think this is closest to my vision so far.
I like your original idea with the green and blue for the icon. I just would like a bolder slogan font and the slogan increased a little bit so it is more clear please
Can you please show me three versions of this one.
All three with a bolder slogan
One with all capt locks.
One with icon. Black and green
One with icon blue and green
I like this font, except for the letter g. Please revise the blue in icon to black but keep the green. Also
Increase size on slogan just a little bit and a bolder font on slogan please.
Please revise the g so it's not cut off. Also Can you make highest evolvement the same text, and the slogan bolder. The color on icon from the blue into black but keep the green I'd love to see what that looks like.
I feel like you have really put my words to paper. Or screen I should say. Love the icon so much.
Hoping you could play around with the fonts to make it a more feminine.
Hi there I really like the design, I was hoping you could revise the logo by changing the font around to make it more feminine, and a version with the font all black but color icon, and then another where the whole icon and font is black. Please and thank you
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Thanks :)
Then keep this icon and slogan font.
Also leveling it out so the h is with the leaves and e with the roots please and thank you
I want the font big enough to be able to be read clearly. Still balanced though.
I'm going to be stamping this on soaps I want all ages to be able to. Read it clearly.
Thanks :)
Keep font the same. Have the h from highest line up with the top of the icon. The slogan in line with the top right root. So it's level. Please
This is the icon I want for my company just need to tweek the font a bit were almost there thank you so much for all your help 😊
And the slogan a little bit bigger to make it more clear. Please and thanl you
Can you show me what design 207 would look like with the color icon, and a bolder slogan Please and thank you
Thanks :)
The icon from 199
slogan from 207
Those three together i think might be exactly what I'm looking for!
I really like this font. I think this is closest to my vision so far.
I like your original idea with the green and blue for the icon. I just would like a bolder slogan font and the slogan increased a little bit so it is more clear please
All three with a bolder slogan
One with all capt locks.
One with icon. Black and green
One with icon blue and green
Increase size on slogan just a little bit and a bolder font on slogan please.
please check-updates #199, #200, #201, #202 and let me know if you need changes
Thank you
Best regards
Hoping you could play around with the fonts to make it a more feminine.