Number 29 is quite interesting. What are you going for with the symbol above the company name? I quite like it, but it gives me a strong martial arts vibe. That isn't a negative, I really do like it. However, I'm not sure it really fits the company. Especially as a stand alone symbol if we separate it from the company name, (The graphic should stand alone or with the name, ideally), it starts looking to much like a Taoist symbol that wouldn't necessarily identify to the company.
Hello! Goodmorning, thanks for considering my logo & wonderful feedback. I see you want a strong standalone icon that is recognizable, I'll make development with the logos as the contest progresses I think I can make something out best for you. Thanks!
It's my pleasure and thank you for your time on this. So far, of yours, I think #41 is my favorite, (though obviously I have the same concerns with the graphic). I also do really like the way you emphasize 'another level'. Whatever else you do, please keep that in what you are developing. I quite like it.
#49 is excellent. I do wonder, however, how easy it will be to move the logo across differing presentation formats, (stationary, towels, t-shirts, website), given the many colors involved in it.
Hi good evening, my entries actually have been enhanced thats why it looked so colorful & shaded this can be truely captured with digital presentation with the vector formats .ai .eps .svg etc. Also with hi-resolution .jpeg & transparent .png file format. The color palettes will differ mostly in monitors calibration, projectors & printing media with the printers that can accurately deliver the color value of the logo.
Soft copy of the logo will eventually have no problems with the formats used for printing while t-shirts or clothing will have a different approach if given manually or printed digital copy of the logo. So basically you wont have that much problem if you have the complete set of formats of the logo which being given during the wrap up of the contest by the designer chosen as the winner. Further assistance can be provided if needed when using the logo in other matters. Mostly the vector file is the most important part of the logo which advertising company, t-shirt printers, artists recognize this as a universal format for a vector logo. Hope this helps, have a great weekend. :) Thanks for the ranking will make updates soon.
Thanks for that. I'll admit that we are learning as we go over here when it comes to the back-end stuff with graphics. We have the all to irritating sense of what we are trying to achieve, and none of us involved have the actual know how to successfully achieve, (or possibly even accurately describe), that ourselves. The chance for a broad 'back and forth' that would let us just go, "yes! that's right, more of that", is actually what settled us on 'logotournament'.
Back to business though. :)
#47 is really interesting. None of us are really ranking it at the top, but all of us like it. We like the simplicity, and at the same time we like the way it seems to capture a sense of action and achievement. That said, it seems to be missing something for us.
We also quite like #61, (and the similar family of designs), but it almost feels to complicated.
#63, (and similar), we all initially were drawn to and then decided we didn't like. The bit around the bottom of the graphic feels like it's closing the logo off. We all thought it just felt a little to unapproachable.
Wow! I have to say, I can't believe how much just flipping the badge on the vertical axis did for how much I liked it. Right now, #98 is hands down my favorite from you.
That said, I still really like #47, and #107 is really intriguing.
I don't really like #108, 109, or 110. The full oval around the company name just doesn't seem like what we want. Also, one of the things I really like about the other 3, (numbers 47, 98, and 107), is the way that the whole thing can go together, or the graphic can be used as a stand alone badge that can still be identifiable with the company. That option gets lost with numbers 108 - 110.
I like the way the slogan is in #124, but I like the way 'another level' is emphasized in #61. I like something, (can't put my finger on it... something about the shading/colours/contrast), more in #125 than #124.
Something is bothering me about the badge portion though... I don't know if the 'dot'/'head' is to big, or the 's' bit has gotten to thick... I'm checking with several other people to see what they think but something is just a little off with it.
Other than that, that version of things is pretty close/sharp. Several of us are still interested in #47 though. I've had three people keep coming back to that one saying it grabs them but it isn't quite right. They don't know what they would do more with it though, so sorry about that.
I knew there was just something about the #98 style logo. I loved it, but it just felt so immediately striking. I just realized what it is and now I can't stop seeing it this way.
Even with the dot it now looks like the pepsi logo to me now and the same is happening to other people I'm checking with.
I'm really sorry. We can't take that one. I wish one of us had spotted the similarity earlier. The variant with the wings would be fine, it certainly solves that problem, but wings just aren't part of the image we are looking for.
Have you got any other ideas for any of the other ones we like?
I just wanted to follow up on the last comment to you. I'm the owner of the company, (small company to be sure), and I wanted to follow up from what the person who has been handling a lot of the commenting for me said previously.
Until a new member of my review team looked at that logo set and said, "you know... it reminds me of pepsi." none of us had seen the resemblance. Though I believe it was in 2nd on our ranking, it was a solid first place for several members of my review team and debate between it and our current first and second was very close.
It is clear to us that the resemblance isn't intentional. We can see the design path and even see where what we have wanted has been slowly shaping it, and if anything we think this says a lot about your design capability. After all, we know it's a fantastic design, a variant of it has already succeeded in the marketplace.
Those of us who are fans of your work so far just hope that you aren't dispirited, and that you have time to revise one of your other, alternate, designs that also interested us. We selected our top five ranked logo's not just for the logo's, but also for the top five designers that they represented so far in this contest. You are definitely one of the ones who has impressed us and we hope to see more from you, (if not in this contest, then in another logo contest for a subsidiary business we will be holding soon).
I'll hand things back to my image person now and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
No worries, I understand its a matter of trial & error actually that was a generic logo of mine before just an option for the contest not meant to copy the logo idea like the pepsi anyway its in the person's eye in seeing the logo like that. Thus I am thankful to be a part of the contest finalist I'll try to if I can still catch up with the entries I may have exhaust the possible logo icon that I have created but I'll see what I can come up with or next time.
Thank you for such a valued feedback & concern to a designer in your contest I'm happy to have entered your logo selection contest.