nice - could you add Foundation after christopher douglas hidden angel in #20 and any ideas around adding an 'angel' angel to it? also perhaps a bit more stylized dog as it kind of looks like a whale tail - perhaps even a dog and a cat? play with the imagery on any of them and then we can add the right layout for works.
wondering on #70 if you could try and )( in solid blue and then perhaps a dog with less detail (worried about it showing up when logo is small) and perhaps add a child/persion and even a cat almost 'playing' around the logo if that makes sense? Totally understand if that would take more time then you want to put into it.
you should have posted the request for children on the main contest page if I upload now it will turn into pissing contest of whop would be allowed to use a kid. I thought this was directed to me only...anything posted in the private page is for that designer only.
Sorry Scott, i didnt mean to cause problems. A board member reviewed them and suggested trying that element in some of the leading designs. I didnt realize an element like that if it isnt mentioned in the brief was propritary to any designer who did it first. I understand your frustration and i am very sorry.
it's not huge problem, it really not my type of contest I am too corporate for a whimsical style, you should really consider graphicsafoot she has really good ideas