I've uploaded the two required files here on LT, once you approve those, I can email you the other versions that you want. Your email address is on the contract. Thank you for choosing my design!
Looks perfect. Thanks for showing the different color options! I've picked you as the winner. Thanks for all your hard work! For the file download, could I request an all black, all gray, and all white version for the additional color options? These can just be sent as a vector file. I'll need a PNG for the original file too. Do you need my email to send these additional proofs? Thanks so much!
I will be away from my design desk this morning, but if you would like to see the design with some color, let me know. I'll check in as soon as at my desk and try to send one over with color.
Absolutely! Once the design is selected I upload 2 specific file formats here ( EPS and JPG) we can discuss color options and I will send additional proofs via email. You will also need a PNG file. If you have any questions let me know !
#115 I've move the G away from the A just slightly and dropped one of the little leaf/buds down lower on the peony flower, I felt it was to close to the rose leaf.
Absolutely love it! The rose looks wonderful, and I much prefer it over the sunflower. This font is my favorite too. I just want to check on one thing - is the spacing even on "Heritage"? The distance between the "E" and "R" does not seem equal to the distance between the "T" and "A". It may just be my eyes though!
#110 changed the font and flower on this one. I will continue to work on improving, will be away from my desk until later this afternoon, but will work on it then. : )
In my previous comment, I meant to say that I only want to play around with the "Heritage" font. I like the "flowers" one and would like to keep it the same. Also, one more idea- could you try a rose as the center flower instead of a sunflower? thanks!
I like a straight flower in the middle the best, so let's stick with that. I wanted to play around with the fonts a bit. Could you try something similar to Academy Engraved or Baskerville Old Face? Doesn't have to be exactly those, just want to try out some more options. I like serif, all cap fonts, with an "British" feel (if that makes sense!). Thank you!
#108 I've moved the sunflower over to the side and made sure all the leaves correspond to the proper flower. I will be happy to make any changes. Thank you so much for your feedback!
I really like where this logo is going! Definitely my favorite. I'm curious, would it be possible to see a different flower in the center? I'm not sure if I want the sunflower as the main focus. Maybe try either the dahlia or peony?
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