Hi Morning Design, Thank you for adding your work! (I sure have a lot to review now.) I am running out of time before I have to eat and rush to a meeting but for now, I wanted to briefly comment to you.I like the ascending arrow in #62 but I have to say, I like #65 the best. Gotta run for now.
Sorry for the delay. Had some pressing work to do yesterday (and today too). As I said, I like #65 best. I also like the way #66 looks with the black background, but with a black background you often need to have create a black rectangle to frame the logo in many instances thus creating the necessity to take up more space. Perhaps if I had/used different variations a black one would be good at times.
I believe I am going to go with a logo that includes some sort of a hand shake theme. One that will convey the effectiveness of connecting people, the compounded synergistic results of successfully connecting people through teamwork. IE: Helpful Marketing helping the business owner promote his/her business so he/she can focus on running the business. And the trust of one another to do as each said as in the hand-shake agreement. (IE: A man's word is his bond, win/win.) I really don't want to tell you the this last sentence but you probably would want me to. So at the risk of offending, I'll say it. Yours is one that matches this desire, but I am not sure yet whether it will make the top spot.
Thanks for this opportunity, although I'm not part of the top 5. however, please don't hesitate if there is one thing that you want. I will try do my best.
WOW....., I did not expect you will do this, thanks a lot. please don't hesitate to leave a comment if there are revisions that you want. even a new concept, perhaps.
Hi MD, I like your ideas! I hate turning any down, I feel like I'm rejecting the person.
For this business, I believe I am going to go with a logo that uses the letters H & M and includes some sort of a hand shake theme. One that will convey the effectiveness of connecting people, the compounded synergistic results of successfully connecting people through teamwork. IE: Helpful Marketing helping the business owner promote his/her business so he/she can focus on running the business. And the trust of one another to do as each said as in the hand-shake agreement. (IE: A man's word is his bond, win/win.) Yours shows that concept. I showed the various designs to some other people and unfortunately I can only choose one. This is the one part I knew I wouldn't like when going into this process.
Regardless, I do truly appreciate your contribution and wish you the best! I never dreamed I'd have someone all the way over in Indonesia working and helping me to try and get this little business off the ground over here in the U.S. I wish you the best!
How does the point rating system work on your end anyway? Is it better for you for me to rate all the submissions or for me to put some in the Non-Interesting folder? You and so many others worked so hard for me.
I really appreciate everything you have said in recent comments.
Actually, it's all in your hands, you decide. If you break down your existing entry, with the rank and some input into the box that you are not interested, it would help you to better focus in determining the logo.
If you have a match with its logo, continue to give your comments, about the color scheme, font type, placement, etc.
That's all I can share with you. Have a nice day
By the way, because I was in top 5 I will try to provide the best, wait for my entry.
Thanks MD, I like what you came up with in #124. But I'm not sure if the H is obvious enough. Does the green bar and the orange bar make the H or is it the green bar and the blue bar? Hmmm. Or if there are supposed to be two people or three (with the three squares at the top it looks like three). Maybe if the orange bar was removed and the whole design were narrowed, it would be more obvious that the H consisted of green bar and the blue bar.
As you can see, from my choosing #124 over #117, #120, #121, or #122, I like more colors. I'm not sure what the exact LT rules are regarding color. But I like the rainbow concept. Two designers have done somewhat similar variations. One designer mentioned the word rainbow first (before I did) but made each letter a separate color in a different order of an actual rainbow. The other designer actually used the color spectrum of the rainbow in the order of an actual real rainbow.
However, all that being said, I don't want to ask you to do additional work as I believe I'm going to go with another as the top pick and I don't want to waste more of your time. Regardless, I do appreciate all of your effort and your great designs. I wish I didn't have to pick just one, but that's the game.
I've often wondered why Full is spelled with two "l"s and yet helpful is spelled with only one. The English language often doesn't make logical sense in my mind. Just have to memorize. I even found myself misspelling my email address some when I started using robert@helpfulstuff.net and rob@helpfulmarketing.net. Ha
Oh, wow. I thought I was settled as to my choice but you gave me more to think about. Yes, I would like to see variations with the rainbow. Thank you! Rob
Sorry I had to pull the entry #139 #140, because Makavelli think my design is too similar and I have to respect each other. I don't know for sure what the problem is. Perhaps this is because of the color of the rainbow.
I'm reserving entry #133 #134, because I think the colors of the rainbow I have applied to the HM not on the Helpful.
Hi MD, I'm sorry to learn that. You do great work. Your #133 runs a close 2nd in my mind. Unfortunately, I can only choose one winner, and #138 is simpler and, in my opinion, is easier to see the H, the M, and the two people shaking hands.
Don't worry, it's concept is simple and easy to read. Until now I still try to find a concept that is simple and easy to read, which can provide alternativ for you.
once again don't worry, I'm just trying to give the best to you. Later when I've found a new concept that is simple, I will tell you right away.
I recently discovered a new concept, which I think is simple and easy to read. So, if you want to see it, then put me in rank 1. After that, I will submit the logo. After you see and judge it, it's up to you. As I said before, I was just trying to give the best to you.
Hi MD, I appreciate your persistence and tenacity for not giving up. That being said, I have been busy working on the final touches of the logo I've chosen. I feel bad for all the time you have already invested and would not want you to spend more with no return on investment. That being said, at your request, I have moved your logo to first place for today. If you still desire to upload this new concept you mentioned, do so and I'll take a look.
I will be out of the office for a several hours but will check in later.
Thank you for this opportunity. Don't worry, as I said before, I never feel tired to give you the best. All is yours, choose one that does fit your criteria. Don't hesitate with me. if I didn't win, maybe I could offer something else to you. Such as brochure, letterhead, biz cards, envelope, poster, web design, etc. I will Provide it with unlimited revisions, quick turnaround and affordable price!
Alright then.............................................. Have a nice day
Hi MD, Thank you for sharing with me more to consider. I do like them. However, I am going to go with #141 or some variation.
Let's talk though, about your printing services. I have been in the printing business for over 30 years. (Yes, I'm showing my age now. Ha.) Anyway, I broker a printing job now and then. Do you have a website? Are you a broker? Do you have a price list? I mostly sell postcards and business cards. Then other items now and then.
I'm just a freelance designer, but I have a team that can do it. Besides this work, I have other business. I am selling batik clothing, ranging from batikJogja batikSolo batikPekalongan and so forth.
That is partly the story of me. Maybe someday you can visit Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta