Hi Makavelli. I am so glad you took the time and effort to create and share your work with me!
One of the main ideas I want to convey is team work, and the trust associated shaking hands in a business deal. Then some came up with the idea of puzzle pieces and I liked that theme implying pieces integrated together working synergistically together. But, I was really wishing there was some way to include the hand shake as you can see from the simple little handshake image I am using now for a logo.
All that being said, with #51 I believe you captured not only two people shaking hands, simply but elegantly, but you also included the initials of Helpful Marketing in the same small space! This in itself can imply team work.
I wonder if it would be better (or too much) to add a small dot or a dot in a small circle for an eye in each person.
I would like to see more color though. I'd like yellow and maybe some red or orange somehow/somewhere. Hmmm, I'm not sure yet how to accomplish this though. I would really like to see some more of your ideas. (I would like the darkest part of blue to be a little darker as well.) Lastly, I thing it would look a bit better to make the slogan a bit larger to fit between the hanging p in Helpful and the hanging g in Marketing.
Revision : -------------------------- 1. #83 add some revison ( add eye / change colors ) [don't know, what you see this as person?] 2. #82 add some revison ( original shape / change colors ) [recommended] 3. #81 try humanoid the H&M, but honestly i've seen this logo around internet [not recommended] 4. #80 & #79 try humanoid H&M ( turn into creepy serial killer also the #80 the H shape was missing or gone.).. hahahaha.. [not recommended]
This is just a sample / illustrated from your feedback *what iam capture. Thanks for feedback sir.
*note, as designer, iam already created the logo combination both word H&M as humanoid as possible, it prove that you can directly recognise the hidden meaning from the #51 logo, like two people shaking hands and H&M word togather. So adding some eye / circle around top H shape is not necessery.
Hi Makavelli, Thank you for your additional effort and detailed comments!
Wow, I sure got a lot of new entries. I'm happy to inform you, of all the concepts I've seen, I like yours the best. Now let's talk about yours.
I had to chuckle at #79 & #80. I do agree, after looking at the ones you've shown, no eyes and keeping the top portion as it started keeps the logo looking like both an H and an M which is the best. Thanks for letting me see. That being said, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to see how it would look with tiny black dots for eyes in one sample.
Thank you for enlarging the slogan as you did. I want to keep this change.
I do want more colors though. From what I know about colors (or what I think I know), too many can be overwhelming but I've seen some that have several colors and still look good (like Google's). Yours being so beautifully simple, I am trying to figure where to add one or more of the colors I would like.
1) What if we put each of the seven letters in Helpful in the colors of the rainbow? Graduating across 2) or maybe each letter its own color? 3) Another thought is put the heads in a graduated yellow/gold. 4) Or 3 in combination with 1 or 2.
I am running out of time before I have to eat and rush to an evening client appointment. Gotta run for now.
#107 #108 is convey all you mean in point 1-4 (last feedback)? you want to highlight just word "Helpful" more "pop" by giving rainbow color? or also word Marketing?
Oh wonderful Makavelli! Please call me Rob, (not sir). Sir sounds a bit too stuffy or bossy to me. Sorry if I sounded pushy or aggressive. I didn't mean to. I just liked yours the best and was anxious to see more. Thank you for your additional effort and sharing your expertise!
I believe I like #109 the best. I like how the color blends from one to the next across the letters. I am wondering, however, if it would look good if each letter of Helpful was its own separate color. If so, the yellow in the E would have to be dark enough to show clearly yet without looking orange.
I miss having the slogan centered between the hanging p and g when Helpful Marketing is all on one line and is in initial caps, but having Helpful above marketing will fit the space better in most instances.
What are your thoughts? I welcome anything ideas, opinions, or insights you may have.
What are the rules at the end? Are various versions included once a winner is selected? And is it better for you, for me to move the unselected designs to the Non-interesting folder or put them down in the ranked list?
Thanks for reviewing my work once again. try to answer your question here about end contest, "Are various versions included once a winner is selected?" 1. [YES] if you just ask some font version, like if #109 won [uppercase version], you might can ask for Standard version font like #107. 2. [NO] if you ask design #109 and #113 (since both was different design / shape) 3. Shortlisting? iam never being contest holder before, but i think it's up to you.. usually ended contest must select designer rank 1-3, meaning 1(win / gold), 2 (silver), 3(bronze) *effect on the designer profile.
[+] #109 the logo shape and text has same height, fit & look strong [+] #107 has some point for you because ( you like miss having the slogan centered between the hanging p and g when Helpful Marketing) hahaha... but overall, even tough the shape not same height with the font like #109, but iam centered those *logo, so it's look fit as well.
NB* since the text a bit long (Helpful Marketing), it's not recommended to put the logo top of the text, it's ruin the layout it self, but you can resize a bit bigger with shape but it's not recommended.
I just reviewed Heard and McDonald Islands on Google Maps. This is really incredible. It's hard to believe someone (you) all the way over there, is designing a logo for this little business I am trying to get off the ground here in the United States. Today's technology (when it works correctly) is truly amazing!
What part of which island do you live on? From the Google picture, it looks like most of the area is covered in snow or ice and around the coast line looks baron or covered with trees. I haven't found any roads or an airport yet.
naaaaahhh... :D i'am from indonesia and it's 2.56AM in the morning. just add some fun over here..
Usually i will send my skype and detil work time GMT with my Contest Holder for futher project from here, the main goal here is get some connection and relationship for work with some people around the world.
Oh, interesting! Still it's pretty amazing that someone (you) in Indonesia is designing the logo for this little marketing business I am working on getting off the ground.
Hey, Would you make the blue in the main M a bit more blue (remove some black)?
Just want you to notice that i got some Personal Messages from Designer called *ANGELINA* she claimed that, she own first rainbow color concept in this contest. i do tell that you want me to use this rainbow color.
As far i know, font and color cannot claim in this LT contest. you might can explain this situation on the designer and maybe want Ivan (moderator) help to this problem.
Hey Makavelli, I have some more requests. Would you:
1) Change the font for HELPFUL MARKETING to Bookman Old Style. 2) make the blue in the M and the word MARKETING a richer blue. Say HTML color #0000FF or RGB 0,0,255 as the darkest and fades to a lighter blue. Say maybe around HTML #5555FF or RGB 85,85,255. 3) Try a version where the heads are included in the color spectrum so it starts at the left person's head and runs to the L in HELPFUL. 4) Make ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE a little darker 5) try one in initial caps IE: Helpful Marketing And anything else you may think of worth looking at.
Thanks so much! Rob P.S. Could you resubmit the hoodlum versions. They made me laugh and I wanted to show them to my wife and son. I'm curious, why did you withdraw many of your entries anyway? Don't you get at least a point for each that stay in the ranking at contest end?
revision : ----------------------- 1) Change the font for HELPFUL MARKETING to Bookman Old Style. 2) make the blue in the M and the word MARKETING a richer blue. Say HTML color #0000FF or RGB 0,0,255 as the darkest and fades to a lighter blue. Say maybe around HTML #5555FF or RGB 85,85,255. 3) Try a version where the heads are included in the color spectrum so it starts at the left person's head and runs to the L in HELPFUL. 4) Make ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE a little darker
my opinion : 1. i think the font is too many wild shape, hehehehe... to curly i think, lost the neat. 2. * Try a version where the heads are included in the color spectrum so it starts at the left person's head and runs to the L in HELPFUL* = lost your rainbow color on two head of the logo. (recommended to implement this color into continous shape, so the colors doesn't cut within gap).
*Rob P.S. Could you resubmit the hoodlum versions. They made me laugh and I wanted to show them to my wife and son. I'm curious, why did you withdraw many of your entries anyway? Don't you get at least a point for each that stay in the ranking at contest end?*
i think just 1-10 entry get some point.. beyond that number is rest in peace.. hahahaha....
Hi again! Yes, you are correct. I just got confirmation from support. All ranked below 10 get no points or as you said "rest in peace". With that information, I moved many to the "Thanks, but we prefer other designs" folder. I ranked my top five favorites and then some of those who tried but didn't make it to 6-10 (2 points each).
do you have any last revision or another try? in this saturday noon indonesian time, i will out of town about 2 days with my family, so i will be offline during that time.
Good luck with finding your best logo! Have a nice weekend.
You are correct, including the heads in the rainbow spectrum loses some of the rainbow colors. I I have already mailed out some marketing postcards so far and am working on revising my website. So I have established some colors I want to use regularly and prominently.
So, let's try this: Change the rainbow back as you had it. Then change the left person's head to R255,G216,B12 HTML #FFD80C And change the right person's head to R0,G174,B239 HTML #00AEEF And change the lightest part of the blue in the M to a little lighter.
New and still better designs. Yea! Thank you! Gee, I just moved the new versions and two of them disappeared. Well, I like all three of them better than the last best one you created.
If you need to go so you can spend the weekend with your family, you go. We can finish this up next week. That being said, I would like to see a version putting the type font back to the version you had. I agree with you that with the new font it loses some of the cleanness. And my wife especially agrees.
And I would like to see a version where each letter of HELPFUL is a solid color. My wife thinks it would be easier to read that way.
i have 2hour working time before i'am leaving if you need me rob :)
-------------------------------------------------------------------- so, what version do you want to see for final logo? is : 1. back the font like #115? but, using new colors update like #141 2. and then " you would like to see a version where each letter of HELPFUL is a solid color." <-- solid color but still rainbow? each color /word? some colour you might have in mind?
Now, on to the next question. After I select the winning version, will you also share with me the Illustrator AI files for #114, #115, & #137 (without any additional edits)?
And if it's not too much trouble, even #79, #80 & #83 (also without any additional edits on your part). I may want to use one for silly events or promotions now and then.
all yes, except #80 why? because it has different shape than the others. (the head detil is new concept, not part from my first design) #79 serial killer and #83 masked butcher is quite silly.. hahaha...
"1. back the font like #115? but, using new colors update like #141" Yes.
"2. and then " you would like to see a version where each letter of HELPFUL is a solid color." <-- solid color but still rainbow? each color /word? some colour you might have in mind?" Yes. Each letter in its own separate color.
Let's go with the actual order of the rainbow: H Red E Orange L Yellow P Green F Blue U Indigo L Violet
"BIV. R=red, O=orange, Y=yellow, G=green, B=blue, I = indigo, and V=violet. Red is at the top edge of the rainbow and violet is at the bottom edge, with the other colors in between."
Below are some websites I found. They may or may not be helpful or necessary.
Why? if you want to keep them for some other potential use that's okay, I was just thinking since you already did the work to create them, I could take the silly head designs and incorporate them into the good logo for a comical purpose at some point in the future. (I am familiar with Illustrator although not up to date as I haven't used it much in years.)
compare this both revision : #144 is my rainbow version --> edit a bit colors code so it's not quite rigid the *motion gradation each word #145 your hex code *wikipedia as reference (*look at word U&L, can you find the difference? i think it's quite similar for a while when i see)
Hope this simple explanation give you some reference and perspective.
Thanks Makavelli
*nb : i am leaving now, i'll see you in sunday night or monday night.
I did a sample from the other site's colors here on my computer and found that the yellow is too light to see with just a letter and the indigo is still too dark. I modified them as such and I think it looks much better!
H 255,000,000 FF0000 E 255,165,000 FFA500 L change to: 255,216,012 FFD80C P 000,128,000 008000 F 000,000,255 0000FF U change to: 130,000,225 4B0082 L 238,130,238 EE82EE
Yes, Let's make the changes above and see what that looks like. So far, I like the latest works #141 & #145 the best. However, the yellow is too light to make out the L in #145 and I think the U looks too dark in #141. I'm sorry I didn't find the color chart noted above first. I guess sometimes you just have to go through the process to see. I do believe we are almost done though!
Thanks again!!! You are really giving your all! And I most certainly do appreciate it! Rob
Hey Makavelli, Well, now it's Sunday morning over here. I hope you are enjoying time with your family! Here's more for you to read when you get back.
Did we ever do one where the left half of the M is one color and the right half is another? (You deleted many, so I'm not sure.) Would you mind also creating one where the left half of the M uses the blue from the right head of #145 and the right half of the M uses the yellow from #145?
Oh, and I think I like the graduated fade on the heads as you did in #137 and others.
iam so sorry for writing famsily up there, i didn't mean to.. just wrong type keyboard :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revision sunday night --here-- ---------------------------------------- Rainbow color your version : H 255,000,000 FF0000 E 255,165,000 FFA500 L change to: 255,216,012 FFD80C P 000,128,000 008000 F 000,000,255 0000FF U change to: 130,000,225 4B0082 L 238,130,238 EE82EE
Revision based : "Did we ever do one where the left half of the M is one color and the right half is another? (You deleted many, so I'm not sure.) Would you mind also creating one where the left half of the M uses the blue from the right head of #145 and the right half of the M uses the yellow from #145?"
Design Revision ------------------------- #160 quite nice to for the logo icon, but you lose the gradation effect of the M (2part, gradation up and gradation down on right).