Hi Angela, Thanks for your input and contribution! I like your puzzle piece idea. I really like using a puzzle piece for the H in #12. That being said, I'm not sure if one piece is sufficient for the entire logo. One puzzle piece alone doesn't convey the team concept I want to get across. Pieces fitting together, I think would. Also, I like more colors, particularly yellow (as in some of the others) being incorporated.
Regarding #14, I have a printing background, (mostly working with files that others (designers) created, so I am no designer as you can see from the simple handshake I used in the sample files I submitted. That being said, I was wondering why you put the M before the H.
I've heard a few things about color symbolism but don't know too much. I'll have to make sure I don't go with what I personally like the best if it is not the best for the small to medium sized business owner. I am thinking I would like to incorporate yellow and hopefully green (if green is used for a word, I think it would need to be slightly darker than Helpful in #11). I also like purple but maybe that is too many colors. I am surprised how many colors the Google logo has and yet, I think it looks good. Any wisdom you have to share in this area would be appreciated.
I just started to upload revisions following it. And what do you think about my ideas #35 and #36 ?
@ #36 - combined the puzzle element but made tem look like figures, supporting and makes connection between eachother. The person is at one side the puzzle and it inside of the circle again - as a white silhoueete, shaped form each puzzle.
About the colors - I'[m very into the symbolism of the colors and you picked yellos as a perfect color for marketing help. Yello represents communication, success (gold as the sun), etc.
I picked blue and green as additional colors because BLUE represents spirit, knowledge and wisdom, the GREEN represents grougth, calmness, expanding opportunities; (the heart chakra).
I've been thinking about RED - passion and achievement goals, but not so sure. Maybe I'd try something with orange - whis is clear combination between red and yellow. Combined together they mixed in orange.
An neutral color as grey or black makes the vision more balanced and in some cases strong and serious. It depends on what vibratiuon your logo would like to have.
In #36 there are 3 colors - one warm color - yellow and 2 others that are cold. I will make a version with a red orange, gray and black dot in the middle to balance the composition.
- circle - the core, makes everything complete and invinite - the rainbow colors - they are basically 7 but in the puzzle sitcle I made them 8 - one additional color to become 8, vecause the number for succes, prosperity, money and infinity is 8. Rotate it and you will get the infinity symbol - the colors in "marketing" colorful - because the meny opportunities it gives, and "uderline" the "IN" in marketing, "made helpful" green - the colors in "helpful" - made them rainbow colored, because helpful has exactly 7 letter - 7 colors. Leave the 8-th - yellow for "marketing" - the balck backgorund - makes all more contrats, easy ti remember
I admit that the many colors gives to the logo a little bit more playful than serious look, but marketing is a game that can help you smile and be happy :)
Wow! I'm impressed. So much to think about. I love your people puzzle pieces almost holding hands and the circle in the middle shows they are all standing on one firm foundation. I'll come back to this. First I want to address your other idea as in #43 & #44.
I like your idea of having each letter in a different color. Also, I hadn't noticed that helpful has seven letters. 7 is my favorite number because it is God's number, IE, the number of perfection. Whereas 6 (or 666) represents "man" and man's incompleteness. I like the black, background but since logos have to go several places, a black background makes for always requiring a square or rectangle background to house the black box.
So, what can we take from this? Let's look again at #38 & #40. I was thinking of asking you about changing HELPFUL MARKETING to a dark grey, or two colors like you did in #36 or #37. It just looks too dark in all black. But now, I am wondering how it will look with each letter of Helpful in a different color of the rainbow. Then make Marketing in a solid or better yet, a graduated shade of two or something. Also, how about we change Helpful Marketing to initial caps and enlarge always the best value so that it fits between the hanging p in Helpful and the hanging g in Marketing?
As I said, I do like a small circle in the middle for the people to stand on. I like red to catch the eye, but like you touched on, I think it clashes a bit and stands out too much. The graduated orange you made in #38 looks better. Regarding the three people, would it be better to rotate them so that the yellow one is on top?
Lastly, I am trying to think of a way to have some interlocking puzzle pieces as well. I like our puzzle piece people, but they don't actually connect (fit together) as one several machine parts all working in harmony and unity with one another. Is there some way to have the letters or some of the letters in Marketing fit as puzzle pieces? Or some other idea to show pieces fitted together?
Thank you again and again for all your time, effort and expertise!!! Rob
You can see how I developed the puzzle interlocking idea and the person one. Now the vision tells that the persons are the puzzle together, communicating, moving as one around one idea, one core.
Hi Angela, I really like your work! I hate turning any down, I feel like I'm rejecting the person.
For this business, I believe I am going to go with a logo that uses the letters H & M and includes some sort of a hand shake theme. One that will convey the effectiveness of connecting people, the compounded synergistic results of successfully connecting people through teamwork. IE: Helpful Marketing helping the business owner promote his/her business so he/she can focus on running the business. And the trust of one another to do as each said as in the hand-shake agreement. (IE: A man's word is his bond, win/win.)
What are the rules after the campaign is over? The reason I ask is that in case one of your great works doesn't make #1 Is there a way we could work together creating a logo for another of my businesses? I'll later need a logo for Helpful Stuff.
Thank you for your message! I completely understand your point and it makes sense. I agree 100% :)
I'm working with a lot of the contest holders outside of the LT after the contests ended. You may contact me trough a personal message after your contest is completed.
Meanwhile I will try to create something new for you.
I just saw that the designer ranked 1st is using my color concept at "helpful". I contacted him and he said that he was asked to to it by you. I think that's not very fair. Generally the rules here says that the colors and fonts could not be protected, but in this case you'd agree that the color scheme is a concept explained in details.
Hi Angelina, Oh, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. As I was going through this process (having not done this before and not knowing the rules) I began considering what was proper and what was not. I had asked several people for more colors early on (including you).
Upon reviewing the comments back and forth, and the logo submission order, I see that you were the first to create a logo that had Helpful with each letter in a different color. If asking someone else to make a different design that he/she had created with each letter in a different color, was improper, I am truly regretful and did not know I was doing wrong when I did. I see this is a delicate situation. Each designer and each client has to walk a tightrope to evaluate and consider fairness. I wish I had seen the rules that are posted below this chat at the beginning upon beginning the process. If I had, I may have been more sensitive here.
I can see now,looking back, why you feel this is not fair to you. Over time, I even found and read some of the blog to be sure I was doing right on my part. Unfortunately, that was after asked Makavelli for more options, including making a version with each letter a different color and one making the colors graduate as in a rainbow. I see now, why he did not do one with each letter a different color, and why with the rainbow design he created, he did not make the letter colors in the same order as your design. So that it would not infringe on your design rights. That being said, I have to admit that part of his logo does have a similarity to your a part of some of your designs.
Now, here's the big question. Assuming I want to go with #109 or a variation of it, what do we do now? Since I am new to all this, I don't know the proper procedure in all of this. So:
1) What is the correct procedure? 2) What do you believe to be fair?
Don't feel bad about this situation. You're new and things like that happens. This situation is unusual, never had a case like that before, so I think contacting administration to check the contest and see who came first with the concept.
The most important thing now is you to be happy. The Makavelli's idea is brilliant I admitted to him that few days ago.
We both may contact administration explaining the situation. What do you prefer?
Don't worry I think they will find a solution fair enough for both sides.
What really struck me about Makavelli's design is how simple and clear it is at conveying the H and the M and shaking-hands in one small space. The rainbow colors, in my opinion is icing on the cake.
Just FYI (for your information) I did do some further review of our notes and the logos and some research online. You did mention the word rainbow first, but you actually put the colors in the wrong order for a real rainbow. Though Makavelli did make the rainbow spectrum I requested, he did not make each letter a separate solid color as you did, which I also requested (not knowing I was in error). So, there are two differences in his design regarding the multi-color theme.
All that being said, I do feel bad though. Maybe not guilty so much as sad. I knew even without this unforeseen situation, I would feel bad near the end because I would have to tell everybody except one person, "you don't win". Even when going to stores shopping for and comparing different products, I don't like taking several people's time asking questions when I know I am only going to buy one. And you gave of yourself to me. For that and your understanding, and your great ideas and designs, I am truly grateful!
Let's talk after the contest is over and see what we can do.
Rob P.S. I do like #116 but the h just doesn't show well enough. (Even if it did, though, I want to go with the hand-shaking theme.)
It's good to hear from you! I'm working on catching up on the things I put on hold during the tournament. I did not know, going into it, how fast-paced the tournament would run or how much time I would be spending that week.
I thought you'd like to know that after all that and picking the winning logo, (mostly because of the part that looks like an H and an M and two people shaking hands), that even though I chose the one with the seven rainbow colors, I am NOT using that version after all. I showed it to my daughter-in-law and then my son (separately) and they both told me those were the Gay symbol colors. I did not know that. I knew of the color purple being associated with the gay rights activists but had not heard of the rainbow colors. So I Googled "gay pride colors". The first three websites showed the official LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) flag and/or its six rainbow colors. My intent is not for many people to assume Helpful Marketing is a pro "gay" company or wanting to promote gay pride or that it has a homosexual, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender owner. And six of the seven popular colors of the rainbow is too close of an association for me. The way I see it, the homosexual, activists took the symbol of God's promise to never again destroy the world with a flood and corrupted it to mean something else entirely.
On another note, I do wonder why so many people withdrew their logos after the completion of the contest (yourself included). Is that to keep your design ideas more concealed so that others don't steal your ideas?
Anyway, I hope to settle on what/how I am going to revise the word Helpful in the logo this week and then get to totally revamping my website again. I am sad for all the work you and many others put in and then in the end, received only points recognition. (A far cry from a monetary compensation.) That being said, I do appreciate you time and effort.
How are you doing? How is it with other contests you are involved in? I do hope you are winning some! You certainly deserve it.
Thank you for your message :) It really amayzed me and I had no Idea that those colors could be assosiated with all that you wrote about. I've learned something. Thank you. With so many design experience behind there is still place for improovement. (Although the energy, the vibration of the colors in general are more deeply and meaningfull than the one changed in this days. ) The most important thing here is you - to be happy with your logo that will represent you and your buseness, your ideas. You've got yourself one very good logo. Colors are the most easiest thing for changing.
About the withdrowal - I'm an LT designer since the beginning of the site and that really because of a safety reason. There are designer sniffing around contest and coping ideas, concpets. Many of us (the designers here) have been seen our own logos, slightly changed by somebody else and our logo is a winner in different tournament. That's why most of us witdraw asap the versions when the contest ends.
I'm winning some, thank you for asking. And I intend to win some more :)
All the best, Angelina
p.s. This area stays private till the end of the contest.