Help Desk NWLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Help Desk NW Help Desk NW has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 56 designs from 8 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by pegry Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #8 Withdrawn Prefers others. #42 Withdrawn Prefers others. #41 Withdrawn Prefers others. #14 Withdrawn Prefers others. #13 Withdrawn Prefers others. #12 Withdrawn Prefers others. #11 Withdrawn Prefers others. #10 Discussion pegry Logo Designer Rendering of space needle and Mount Ranier(This comment references Entry #8) 14 years ago pegry Logo Designer Another version.(This comment references Entry #10) 14 years ago pegry Logo Designer *new entry(This comment references Entry #12) 14 years ago pegry Logo Designer #13new entry 14 years ago jdbt Client I like #13 the best. It needs to be bolder though perhaps a dark blue? Make it stand out... and perhaps try adding a basic seattle skyline to the space needle? 14 years ago jdbt Client #11 is good too but I don't like the oval, perhaps you could invert that and make the mountain solid instead and lose the oval?? 14 years ago pegry Logo Designer Per your request, here it is with a solid mountain.(This comment references Entry #41) 14 years ago