Hi Niklas, I just wanted to let you know that I understand why you extended the contest -- because you don't feel like you have enough entries, and the right logo hasn't struck you yet. But i want to give you some advice. Designers hate extensions. You've been logging in and ranking, and you've been providing some feedback, which is all great. But the feedback you've given is probably not specific enough. That is, you've said you like my first design, for example, but you didn't say what you like about it and what you don't. It's really helpful to us as designers if we can get specifics from you. We need that in order to evolve our designs to your liking. Otherwise, we're just kind of stabbing in the dark. I hope you can try to give more specifics over the coming week. That will definitely help increase the number of entries. Extending doesn't always mean more designers will join or that you'll get more entries -- but the specific and constructive feedback absolutely does! Good luck, and I'll keep working if I think of something new.