Entry#4, here are my comments: 1) logo should contain both english and french names 2) should include flags of Canada, Quebec, and Greece 3) wish to see a larger and full size Artemis, Greek Godesses of the hunt 4) colors should include blue (sky, lakes and oceans), white (cloudes), green (forests)
Thanks for the feedback. After some research, I found that the Greek flag cannot be use legitimately in logos for commercial or organizational purposes, the same with the Canadian Maple Leaf. I couldn't find exact info for the Quebec Flag, but I think it follows in similar protocol. So b/c of that, I couldn't incorporate the flags in this new design and instead, tried to incorporate the elements of the Canadian and Quebec flag while keeping the color scheme focus on the blue and white to represent the Greek flag.
Entry 7: feedback Thank you but I do not like the graphical art representation of Artemis. I recommend you look at the classical sculptures of Artemis and use this as a guideline. I would work with entry #1 and use all the comments I sent you earlier. It is important that the details mentioned earlier are observed aswell as the choice of weapons our hunters use in their sport, shotguns, rifles, bow/arrow and crossbow. And we must not forget our fisherman. Please visit http://artemisassociation.com/ and extrapolate some ideas. This is a poor representation of what were looking for. An excellent example is the statue of Artemis in the definition provided by Wikipedia...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis. I hope this helps