Would it be too late to try to see what a pink color would look like on the logo instead of purple? I love the purple but just was curious on what pink would look like. Totally okay if not, I still love the logo either way!
I love what you did to the Hell hags banner! It looks really nice. Looking at it more, could you make the green a little lighter of a color? Feel free to touch any of the colors up that you think may make it look better.
This is so great! What would you think about making the wings a baby blue color? What do you think you would do differently to this, if anything? I need your expertise advice!
Thank you so much! It's looking great. I was thinking if its possible to add a glitter effect to the hair?? and possibly making the purple into a little bit lighter of a purple color, like an electric purple? Let me know what you think of that idea and maybe you'll have a better imput :)
Comment Activity
Changing and adding highlight color.
bigger 'ESTD 2022'
I think the green color in this new entry #86 is a perfect fit for the purple
we have added a new ribbon style and 'ESTD 2022'
let me know your thoughts.
#84 #85
electric purple is also looking good, added the new colors and on a dark background as well. #77 #78 #79 #80
we have two versions #72 #73
If there is any other revisions that you would like to see, please let me know.
Would it be possible to change the purple to a light green color possibly?